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Gift for slumber: Forgetting Mandy Brocklehurst (Blaise Zabini/Terry Boot) [Feb. 21st, 2009|03:52 pm]
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Title: Forgetting Mandy Brocklehurst
Author: [info]sparkysparky
Recipient: [info]slumber
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,400
Warnings: Lots of long, draw out, teasing sex. Little bit of plot. No resolved ending.
Summary: When Terry is left at the altar, he's pushed into going on his honeymoon alone. Except, Lisa has other ideas and is Unspeakable-y sneaky. And Blaise is a closet romantic. (Blaise/Terry; mentions of Terry/Mandy and Mandy/Stephen)
Disclaimers: These characters are not mine because they belong to JK Rowling. The situation is borrowed from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. And there was a lot of porn read in pursuit of inspiration.
Notes: MUCHAS GRACIAS to M. without whom this fic would never have gotten done. And to S. for general cheerleading. And to the fest mods for their patience as this fic grew and grew and spiralled out of control. [info]slumber I really, really hope you enjoy this. In conclusion: PORN!

Forgetting Mandy Brocklehurst )
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