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Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[03 Sep 2008|03:24am]


There was once a time where Lord Voldemort was once feared throughout the Wizarding World for his deeds. He even went so far is to find a secret in the Gaunt Shack to see himself brought back later in life.

The Mirror of Erised and the Veil. They created way out of the afterlife, so he used it. This was his last plan before death.

Now, finding the world amiss and many of his companions risen, he hopes to put back the world. It's high technical, strange, wizardless, muggle ways had to stop and every had to agree. Well, those who were loyal to the Wizarding World for what it used to be, not the abomination it is now.

He was glad that someone in the Malfoy line finally showed some sort of integrity. He couldn't believe the shape of the world and how against magical folk they were.

He was determined to stop it.


This game is in the year 3000, muggles and those of lesser blood have taken over the Wizarding World. Voldemort ensured a way back and now he's the leading man behind putting things back where they belong. You can play anyone and everyone, even the muggle characters in the HP series can have magic! Come join! We are in need of DEATH EATERS, TED TONKS, SALAZAR SLYTHERIN, ROWENA RAVENCLAW, HARRY POTTER, CECILIA RIDDLE, SEVERUS SNAPE, LILY POTTER, PETUNIA DURSLEY MAIN CHARACTERS FREED UP.

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[03 Sep 2008|03:37am]

[info]wchb_rpg is an AU HP RPG starting September 15th!


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What would have happened if in 1981 instead of trying to kill Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort kidnapped him instead and staged his death?

Seeing potential in the boy after having murdered his parents Voldemort staged Harry Potters death and ran with the boy. Wanting to see if the boy had the potential to be his protege` Voldemort gave him to his most faithful followers: Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange with the orders that they were to raise the boy as their own, just as they would any other child if they had any. He was to be raised as a pureblood and a dark wizard. Not wanting to disappoint their Lord the Lestrange's took the boy in without a second thought and set about changing him and shaping him as their lord saw fit.

After finding the house destroyed, and the Potters dead, including Harry the Order became distraught, wondering what would happen now in the case of the prophecy. The child it spoke of was now dead. Their hope they clung to so tightly now gone.

Using the Orders grief to his advantage Voldemort began to slowly take over the Ministry, implanting his most faithful followers into the Ministry with orders that they were to begin making way for him to take over. In May of 1983 he did just that. Quietly in the middle of the night Voldemort murdered the current Minister of Magic and declared himself the new one, naming Rodolphus Lestrange as his second in command. The world was never the same again.

Fast forward to 1991. Now elven years old Harry Potter and the other children of his generation are ready to start Hogwarts. But will things go as smoothly as Voldemort hopes? Will the Order realize that their hero is not dead but walking around the disguise of a Lestrange? And will Harry be the protege he's been trained and brought up to be or will a new environment change everything....

Change is inevitable. What will you do with it when it happens?

When what could have been becomes what might be?
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