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What Could Have Been

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[22 Sep 2008|12:35pm]

Who: Bella and Rodolphus
What: Talkin and what not.
Where: His office at the Ministry of Magic
When: Right after this
Rating: TBD!
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

Why is it that that which is most forbidden to us is what we always want? )
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[21 Sep 2008|10:15pm]

Who: Bellatrix and Lord Voldemort.
What: Talking about her son.
Where: The Minister's office, the Ministry of Magic.
When: September 3rd, 1991.
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete!

A mother's concern will never disappear. Even if the child is not her own flesh and blood. )
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[21 Sep 2008|03:58pm]

Who: Orion and Remus
Where: The DADA Room
When: Sunday Afternoon
Rating: PG
Statis: Complete!

Summary: Who else do you know? )
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