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[23 Jun 2008|12:25pm]

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In 1996, the Dark Lord went back to the Gaunt dilapidated shack and found something he didn't expect: a hidden room. This room only appeared to the eyes of the Gaunts, who bared the name. It was very old magic, but now with his new body he could now see the room that had been a secret from him even within his youth. The room itself was a bedroom with lavish decorations, trinkets and a bunch of items that belonged to the Gaunts and Slytherin himself. It seemed to be interchangeable and could be any size, having every great answer that involved the Slytherin ancestry and the one thing he was looking to create: a way to be reborn. His search ended with something simple-- the Mirror of Erised, the mirror created by another who "mastered" death. Erised is the name of a woman who had found the solution to the veil but was unable to go that far with her experimenting. We all know that Voldemort is about experimenting, he stole the mirror after tracking it down from Russia and placed it in front of the veil.

Lord Voldemort spent a great deal of time preparing a complicated, time-set spell that would release in a time where Harry Potter nor his friends alive. When the preparations were finished, he needed to give the task of activating it to one of his followers. He handed it to Bellatrix LeStrange, but she perished and Rodolphus handed it off the the Malfoys. Lucius, for one, never wanted to bring him back and thus didn't do as instructed and neither did Draco. It wasn't until generations later where Cerbirus Malfoy, a far, far, far grandson to Draco that it was acted upon. Lord Voldemort would not be happy upon returning.

The year 3000, no one to defeat him.

Voldemort had a back up plan

House of Gaunt is a game that combines muggles, wizardry and a small war. Although, it's suppose to be more player-driven than super war-time driven. You can play anyone from anytime at any age.


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[23 Jun 2008|02:03pm]

SHrpg is an AU Harry Potter role play that takes seven years after the war, it is based on the social lives of the other characters instead of Harry & his friends all the time. We're a group of friendly players and mods who actually care. Our game has a balance of darkness and light, for everyone's needs. We are very slash friendly and love to have originals. We're in need of many players so read below for more information!

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our premise

A great battle was won seven years ago at Hogwarts. Darkness had managed to not settle over the Wizarding World, but many people could not let go of what happened in the year 1998. Some moved on in life, but others kept their minds on what was in the past. The year 2005 settled upon the world rather quickly and still the minds of the community were on what went on at Hogwarts. The Ministry worked hard to retrieve the stabilized perfection of utopia again. They handed out magical journals that they track, unless they had been hexed into privacy. The journals aren't a huge problem for society; rather, they gave the peace back to the witches' and wizards' souls. In these fragile times, peace must be kept among the community.

Rivalry and revenge, however, have begun to sprout in the utopia. Lucius vowed he would turn to the light side and even joined the Order. However, there is a darker side that has not yet went away in Lucius. He restores the Dark Army, now calling it 'La Familia' ; a wizardry mob who are just as ruthless as the Dark Lord himself. It goes unnoticed for a while and people begin to accept what happened and move on. Deaths begin popping up---slow at first, then more and more. It would seem that anyone involved in the higher powers is involved in La Familia. The rest of the World (READ: that which was good and pure) starts to notice odd things happening---ones that can only be linked to the old La Familia: drugs, prostitution, black market, and murders. The imitations of La Familia are appearing everywhere, be it in Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, and even some of the local family-populated towns. Betrayals between loved ones due to hunger for fame, fortune, and power occurs in families.

People who left for the Muggle world after the war, soon realize it's time to return home. They believe everything is alright, though nothing truly is. Those who fled earlier on; are now witnessing the same things happening again, only in different ways. Lucius becomes the 'God-Father' or the king of La Familia. He appoints Theodore Nott to the head of the mafia and soon worse things begin occurring. Will the Utopia that has so recently been reformed fall to ruins once more? Will evil prevail in these fragile times? Will all hope be lost? Shall people give up on their loved ones and join this dark army? Will it be too late?

What will happen in this Solemn Hour?

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