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[22 Jun 2008|03:47am]

2001. Thorfinn Rowle becomes an Unspeakable and purposely ruins the Time Room while it's being repaired. The damage is unrepairable and it causes strange reactions when people enter the room, even time appears to stop. Thorfinn, bitter from losing the Dark Lord and the war against Harry, finds a way to rouse up some trouble. The room itself causes things to happen, even can make one apparate back in time. Only this room can do this and it is not known by the Ministry than anyone can do this to the room.

Thorfinn starts to time-travel in hopes of getting a band of people together and stop taking over with hordes of death and destruction, but with subtle fear and pleasures. Sadly enough, he only thought of bringing back those that were useful to him and tried to cover them up. Eventually someone got wind of it and began to do the same but it didn't seem as successful.

With these appearances, questions are being asked but given no answer. How will this development effect time? Should we send them back? Is it right? What if the Dark Lord returns?

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Tempus Fugit - HP RPG - DH canon [22 Jun 2008|09:56am]

The year is 2001. Voldemort was defeated 3 years ago, and the wizarding world is busily rebuilding.

The Death Eater threat has been eliminated, at least as far as the Ministry is concerned.

Relations between Muggle and Wizard have reached an all-time high. There are even policies in place to completely eliminate the statute of secrecy and all its subsidiary policies within the next few years, including a visit by Prime Minister Tony Blair this summer to Diagon Alley!

Obviously, there are movements to return the pendulum the other way. A Separatist Movement is forming using nom de plumes from a variety of characters.

Even more strangely, those known to be dead have been appearing. While no one seems to know the rationale, no one can deny that it is happening.

Now, the Ministry is fighting two battles. One, to encourage Muggle and Wizard interactions, and the other to define where these dead citizens belong.

We are looking for vibrant characters with a thirst to redefine the wizarding world. Original Characters are welcome, but please be aware that certain rules apply.

This is an epic-style game. Plot arcs spanning months are welcome and encouraged!

Please take a look at our rules before applying.

Characters desperately wanted: Neville Longbottom, Arthur Weasley, Percy Weasley, Dean Thomas

For specific player-driven plots we are very much in need of Neville Longbottom! The loyal DA crew would love to have him around. Specifically, Luna and Ginny have expressed missing their close friend and confidant!

Weasley Clan! We need you! Ron and Ginny are minus their parents and brothers. The Ministry's current position on Muggles raises the Weasley name in society and power. Percy Weasley has just been given a promotion! We would love to have him wreaking havoc having reached the next peak in his Ministry career!

Muggle-lovers, Muggleborns and Half-bloods are especially desired! The Ministry wants to give you MONEY! (war reparations). You are wanted by the Ministry for positions of power and influence. Aurors and other Ministry officials are very much encouraged! OCs welcome!

While not listed as available or desired, we are accepting applications for those returning from the dead. However, before applying, please email the mods to discuss possibilities. Thank you.

Rules Cast List Available Characters
General Game FAQ Role Playing FAQ
Resurrected Characters Death Eaters and Families

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