HP Wankfest 2011


May 3rd, 2008

wanking_mods @ 12:01 am: Pansy Parkinson in Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor with an Everlasting Icicle
Title: Ice Crotch
Artist: [info]luckycyberbunny
Character: Pansy Parkinson
Location: Florian Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor
Object: Everlasting Icicle
Other Characters: NA
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: food mess?
Art Details: Done in Photoshop CS2 with Wacom tablet. 800x600
Disclaimer: Pansy Parkinson and other Harry Potter elements belong to J.K.Rowling. Cherub painting is mines.
Artist's Notes: It was a hot summer day and Pansy REALLY needed to get off. She had tried her room, the shower, even the tub. Nothing. She was getting angry by now. She was also getting hungry. She had neglected eating while searching for a way off. The need to over come this intense desire turned her animal-like. Gazing at a pile of toy, she got the best idea. She made her way to Florian Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor and told the clerk to take a hike and handed the teenage boy a pile of galleons. She locked the door, drew the blinds and let herself go. She dug into the ice cream vast with bare hands, sent chocolate and caramel syrup flying everywhere. She gobbled mouthfuls of maraschino cherries and sent sprinkles soaring everywhere. Then she made her way to the back freezer and grabbed what she had came for: an Everlasting Icicle. She slipped and slid back to the front of the store and went to town, succeeding in her quest to relieve herself of desire, and cooling herself at the same time.

Ice Crotch (NWS art!) )

wanking_mods @ 12:00 pm: Zacharias Smith in the Hogwarts Library with a House Scarf
Title: Fetish
Author: [info]keieeeye (Kei)
Character: Zacharias Smith
Location: Hogwarts Library
Object: House Scarf
Other Characters: Terry Boot
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bondage.
Word Count: 1519
Disclaimer: All the usual; also, some aspects of Terry's personality (and glasses fetish) taken from a much-loved roleplaying character.

Fetish )

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