HP Wankfest 2011


January 8th, 2008

nehalenia @ 06:47 pm: Wankfest Icons!!!!
Hey Wankfest-folk!

[info]its_art and [info]salvadora came up with some brilliant icons. You can find them in the replies to the first post, but I took the liberty of uploading them to the site's icon collection. The generous and talented artists have made them for our use, so please take them and use them to pimp the fest all over. I would just ask that if you snag any, you credit appropriately. Oh, and tell the artists how fantastic they are, too!

Speaking as a mod (ahem), I'm just thrilled. :-D

Carry on.

nehalenia @ 10:28 pm: Wankfest Reminder
This is just a shout-out that we are still collecting suggestions for the Wankfest categories of Places and Objects. (You can also suggest characters we might not have thought of, but pretty much anyone in the Potter-verse is fair game. Yes, you can have Professor Grubbly-Plank in the Hippogryph paddocks with one of Hagrid's homemade tea biscuits, if you want.)

Several people responded with suggestions to the first post, but if you've got some good ideas, fire away. We're still compiling the lists.

Also, thanks to all of you who have been pimping the fest. It sure seems to be working! If you know people who would be interested in Wankfest -- and really, who wouldn't? -- please spread the word.


La Mod

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