Harry Potter Traditions Fest

May 20th, 2008

Happy Traditions to All! @ 02:11 pm


Once again apologies for the lateness of posting. My husband, [info]hawknc gave me the plague. Feel free to blame him.

Title: The Beltane Joust
Author: ???
Gift For: all fest participants!
Pairing(s): Sirius/Severus
Summary: Severus is very upset at Sirius' stunt at the train station. But why? Sirius thinks he has the answer and a way to placate the other man.
Rating: Mature (R-rated)
Warnings: Slash, very slight BDSM (D/s)
Author's notes: This fic is set in September 1996, and I've tried to be as in keeping with canon as I can. Here are the relevant details from the prompt that I used:

Preferred pairing: Severus/Sirius
Wishlist: First time (-ish), humour, D/S
Tradition: Beltane

As one might expect, this is slashy and R-rated. Here are some of my references for the study of Beltane:

‘Bel-fires' or ‘need-fires' had healing properties, and are lit on sundown of April 30th for witches to leap through the flames to ensure protection for the coming year.

Worship is generally directed at the Pagan lingham, the Maypole and symbol of life.

I've expanded the day's festivities to include an Arthurian style tournament. All those long sticks are rather related to the Maypole, in my view. There are traditional sword dances and archery tournaments on Beltane, so I feel that this isn't much of a stretch.

I own none of the characters or things that you recognise here.

Read it here or at Livejournal, and please leave feedback for all our lovely authors!

The Beltane Joust )

Harry Potter Traditions Fest