The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 3rd September 2007

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September 3rd, 2007

08:01 pm - Three of Wands: Fic: An Incommunicable Experience
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]ressick_recs)

Title: An Incommunicable Experience
Author: Ressick
Type: Fic
Length: 1,955 words
Main character/Pairing: Harry, Luna
Card: Three of Wands
Card Interpretation: in the Robin Wood deck, the man wears a cape decorated with a gryphon. She says she put that there, "to show the strength, majesty, and fearlessness of a lion paired with the grace, speed, intelligence, and new dimensions of an eagle. Combined like this, they can reach new spiritual heights, and new dimensions of nobility. The gryphon is flying through a ring, which symbolizes eternity and the endless circle of life. This encompasses him, and he is free within it."
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Everything Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, except my personal fondness for Luna.
Warnings: DH-spoilers (except the Epilogue doesn't exist)
Summary: We have shared the incommunicable experience of war... Harry and Luna talk.
Author Notes: Many thanks to [info]bonmot507 for the quick and dirty beta.
Click for fic... )
Current Music: Stabbing Westward > Sometimes It Hurts

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