The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 2nd September 2007

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September 2nd, 2007

11:53 pm - Fic: Eight of Cups
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]nurturing_roads)

Title: __All We Might Have Been__
Author: [info]nurturing_roads
Type: Fiction
Length: 3,247
Main character or Pairing: Harry/Draco
Card: Eight of Cups
Card Interpretation: starting on a journey, finishing up, moving on, walking away
Rating: G
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns them, Warner Bros. distributes them, and I just take them out to play now and then.
Warnings: small DH spoilers
Summary: Within the Aurors, a small core of vigilantes has been employing unauthorized methods of dealing with dark wizards and witches. Though rumors have surfaced of missing persons, untimely deaths, and such, few members of the Ministry are interested in pursuing the claims. Harry refuses to take one side or the other until the whereabouts of Draco are discovered. Worried about the possibility of unjust actions, Harry himself leads the squad to find Draco. When they finally come face to face, they both are forced to reflect on their actions and their beliefs about each other.
Author Notes: Written from Draco's perspective, in 2nd person. My first H/D pairing.

Under a winter sky, some travelers... )
Current Mood: [mood icon] creative
Current Music: The Cure "To Wish Impossible Things"

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