The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 6th April 2007

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-Wikipedia on Tarot
-PadfootMK's Pensieve HP Tarot
-Original Waite meanings (PDF download)

April 6th, 2007

10:55 pm - Potterverse Tarot Fest Master List!!
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]ravenna_c_tan)

Thanks for being patient everyone! Here's the master list of contributions to the first round of The Potterverse Tarot Fest!

Some stats:
We had a total of 77 contributions, 37 fics and 40 pieces of art.
More stats! )
What follows is a new table listing the cards in card order, beginning with the major arcane, and then going by suits from ace through king for each. Each card shows the interpretation(s) used, the pairing, a link to the fic and/or the art (by clicking on the name of the contributor), and the rating of the works.

Thanks to everyone for working so hard and making the fest a huge success!! The comm. is now open to general posting of fic and art that has a tarot theme or that is inspired by the tarot in any way. I'll announce soon when the next round of official "fest" begins and when we'll take new claims. Until then, catch up reading these!

Master List Click Here )

*Read the Cards*

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