The Potterverse Tarot Fest - 22nd February 2007

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February 22nd, 2007

01:12 am - The Hierophant: Art: Snape: PG: A Manner Of Devotion
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]isildurs_babe)

Title:  A Manner Of Devotion
Artist:  Isi,

Image Information:  Medium for original art is coloured pencil.  PSP7 used for additional graphics/text on the card.  Jpeg. 469x781.
Main character:  Snape (Lupin, Harry)
Card:  5,  The Hierophant
Card Interpretation:
"He symbolizes all things that are righteous and sacred." … "At his feet two acolytes kneel, but do they kneel
to him or to the higher power he represents?"
--"Captivity, empty ritual, a desire to control others or being in a position in which you have allowed yourself to be controlled by others."
My Own
Manifestation of the spiritual on Earth, The Hierophant deals with worldly problems, the Guardian Angel.  He is devoted to his superiors and he symbolises education and the teaching of divine wisdom. Though intelligent, focussed and striving for harmony, he can be stubborn and narrow-minded in his undertakings.
Rating:  PG
Disclaimer:  I do not own these characters, though it would be nice... especially Snape and Lupin ;)
Warnings:  Scene of destruction, minor injury, religious overtones. 
Notes:  It's 1 hour 35 mniutes into the 22nd Feb here.  Thanks to Dai for the great art betas, “woman, ‘is heed is bloody massive!” and "That one"


Current Mood: [mood icon] okay

*Read the Cards*

05:47 pm - Coming Up in Week Two of the HP Tarot Fest
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]ravenna_c_tan)

Here's what will be coming up in Week Two of the [info]hp_tarot Fest!

ETA: Computer equipment failure has knocked out the fic for the 26th. Anyone want to move up?

Card Fic Art Posting Date
Two of Wands   [info]eranim 2/23
Seven of Swords [info]fakers_journal   2/23
The Hanged Man [info]severity_softly   2/24
The Magician   [info]frakfraco 2/24
Knight of Cups [info]dirtyxemoxkid [info]lillithium 2/25
Queen of Swords spikespetslayer   2/26
The Sun   [info]kungfooqueen 2/26
The Lovers [info]eclipsed_sky [info]sapphocles 2/27
Nine of Swords   [info]naadi 2/28
Ace of Cups [info]bk03   2/28
Page of Wands [info]gatewaygirl [info]phantomon 3/1


*Read the Cards*

07:18 pm - The Hierophant: Fic: Snape/Lucius/Voldemort: NC-17

Title: The Hierophant
Author: ThreeSidedOrchid (Lj: [info]synn)
Type: Fiction
Length: approx. 2877
Main Character or Pairing: Snape/Lucius/Voldemort
Card: The Hierophant
Card Interpretation: "At his feet two acolytes kneel, but do they kneel
to him or to the higher power he represents? (SN)
- "Captivity, empty ritual, a desire to control others or being in a position in which you have allowed yourself to be controlled by others." (V)
- “Search for truth, points the way to salvation, also any institution that exerts that kind of mind control over its followers [...] Search for truth, understanding inspiration (right) [...] Conservatism, over-conformity, servitude, need to be socially approved and accepted (reversed)” -- (Tarot for Beginners, p. Scott Hollander)
See author notes for further details.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, I’m just playing.
Warnings: Threesome.
Summary: Young Snape is setting out on the path of his life.
Author Notes: Not the story I planned; I should learn not to plot out lengthy stories, because they frighten my muses away. The line “A true master does not always fulfill the disciples’ wishes” is taken directly from Tarot: Mirror of the Soul by Gerd Ziegler (referencing the hierophant, ‘course).
On the interpretations used: I read a variety of interpretations, and used those elements that seemed universal to the hierophant. This breaks down into two concepts: 1) the religious leader/conformity to social norms, most of those interpretations quoted above. 2) The concept of the disciple finding her path -- identifying truth, finding inspiration. Consequently, there are two hierophants in the fic. (which should be clear in reading it. I hope.)
Many, Many thanks to [info]bironic for beta reading on short notice, any remaining mistakes are entirely my fault.
Concrit always welcome
Hope you enjoy!

The Hierophant )

*Read the Cards*

11:13 pm - Compilation of Week One Contributions to Tarot Fest
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]ravenna_c_tan)

Week One of [info]hp_tarot is Done! Catch up on anything you missed, and please don't forget to comment on these lovely contributions by fest participants.

[info]ravenna_c_tan contributed fic for The Emperor, (NC-17)
[info]pinkelephant42 contributed art for The Emperor
[info]lunalovepotter contributed fic for the Four of Cups
[info]tripperfunster contributed art for the Seven of Wands
[info]stephanometra contributed fic for the Wheel of Fortune
[info]archduchess contributed art for the Wheel of Fortune
[info]acidpop25 contributed art for The Star
[info]fernwithy contributed fic for the Justice
[info]lillithium contributed art for the Four of Swords, R
[info]twistedm contributed fic for the Ten of Wands, NC-17
[info]lampblack contributed art for Temperance
[info]klynie1 contributed fic for The Devil, NC-17
[info]bellatella contributed art for the "Queen of Coins"
[info]isildurs_babe contributed art of "The Hierophant"
[info]synn contributed fic for The Hierophant, NC-17

Thank you to all!

*Read the Cards*

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