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[FIC] Out in the Open: Dean/Seamus :: gift for [info]ozma_katiebell [Aug. 12th, 2008|12:00 pm]
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Title: Out in the Open
Recipient: [info]ozma_katiebell
Pairing: Dean/Seamus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3800
Warnings: Wanking
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: A potion and a game lead to revelations Seamus never intended to make
Author's Notes: [info]ozma_katiebell - I'd had this whole different fic planned and half written, full of character development and an extended cast, and a much more in depth story. Then, unfortunately, real life intervened waaay too many times, and it had to fall by the wayside. Still, I hope this is a satisfactory fulfillment of your request – I really hope you enjoy it!

Out in the Open )
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[FIC] The Worst Lies are the Ones You Tell Yourself: Seamus/Dean [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:40 am]
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Originally posted here on 7 September 2007

Title: The Worst Lies Are Ones You Tell Yourself
Requestor: irishbabe3110
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnigan
Summary: It starts because he doesn't talk, ends because he doesn't stay.
Warnings (if any): Explicit slash is the only one I'm giving.
Author's Notes: irishbabe3110, I hope this fic meets your requirements well enough and that you enjoy this. Thank you to my wonderful, wonderful beta who really helped make this what it is (way better than the original, trust me).

The Worst Lies are Ones You Tell Yourself )
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