HP Summersmut - September 10th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP Summersmut

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September 10th, 2007

[FIC] Ageless Beauty (Part One): Narcissa/Gabrielle [Sep. 10th, 2007|09:40 am]
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Originally posted here on 29 August 2007

Title: Ageless Beauty
Requestor: sweetcarolanne
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Narcissa Malfoy/Gabrielle Delacour
Summary: Narcissa Malfoy takes Gabrielle Delacour as her protégé, but her reasons for doing so are not entirely pure.
Warnings: AU. Femmeslash. Chan.
Disclaimer: I do not own Narcissa Malfoy, Gabrielle Delacour, or the HP universe.
Author's Notes: Gabrielle, in this story, starts out as being 14. I do not know exactly what the age difference is between her and Fleur, but I have them as being about five or six years apart. In any case, while attempting to keep with the books as much as possible this story will completely disregard the war. This is not an action/adventure story.

Ageless Beauty, Part One )

Continue to Part Two!

[FIC] Ageless Beauty (Part Two): Narcissa/Gabrielle [Sep. 10th, 2007|09:42 am]
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Originally posted here on 29 August 2007

Title: Ageless Beauty
Requestor: sweetcarolanne
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Narcissa Malfoy/Gabrielle Delacour
Summary: Narcissa Malfoy takes Gabrielle Delacour as her protégé, but her reasons for doing so are not entirely pure.
Warnings: AU. Femmeslash. Chan.
Disclaimer: I do not own Narcissa Malfoy, Gabrielle Delacour, or the HP universe.
Author's Notes: Gabrielle, in this story, starts out as being 14. I do not know exactly what the age difference is between her and Fleur, but I have them as being about five or six years apart. In any case, while attempting to keep with the books as much as possible this story will completely disregard the war. This is not an action/adventure story.

Part One

Ageless Beauty, Part Two )

Continue to Part Three!

[FIC] Ageless Beauty (Part Three): Narcissa/Gabrielle [Sep. 10th, 2007|09:44 am]
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Originally posted here on 29 August 2007

Title: Ageless Beauty
Requestor: sweetcarolanne
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Narcissa Malfoy/Gabrielle Delacour
Summary: Narcissa Malfoy takes Gabrielle Delacour as her protégé, but her reasons for doing so are not entirely pure.
Warnings: AU. Femmeslash. Chan.
Disclaimer: I do not own Narcissa Malfoy, Gabrielle Delacour, or the HP universe.
Author's Notes: Gabrielle, in this story, starts out as being 14. I do not know exactly what the age difference is between her and Fleur, but I have them as being about five or six years apart. In any case, while attempting to keep with the books as much as possible this story will completely disregard the war. This is not an action/adventure story.

Part One
Part Two

Ageless Beauty, Part Three )
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[FIC] Quid Pro Quo: Tom/Hermione, Ron/Hemrione [Sep. 10th, 2007|09:47 am]
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Originally posted here on 30 August 2007

Title: Quid Pro Quo
Requestor: freetheelves2
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Tom/Hermione with a little bit of Ron/Hermione
Summary: It warned that it was dark magic, which Hermione thought was unnecessary, given the book it was in. It explained that certain rules of magic had to be ignored and overridden to affect this spell, and that it could have unpredictable consequences.

Staring at the page, remembering how Harry had always taken whatever risk was necessary to do what needed to be done, how Dumbledore had as well, and realizing she didn't have much other option, she accepted that.

Warnings (if any): A tiny bit of bondage
Author's Notes: freetheelves2, you said: Dominant male is important. Bondage is great. Plot is what love is made from. And probably necessary, especially if you pick teh OTP, T/Hr. ♥ Happy endings are appreciated, but not necessary, especially if you can pull off a really heart-wrenching, manipulative, used!Hermione ending in the Tom one.

I did my best to give you your OTP in a non-cliché way. I tried to incorporate everything on your list into this story and I hope you like it.

Thanks to Lia, for being so patient with me.

Huge, undying, and everlasting thanks to my beta. Your input was invaluable and I appreciate you and what you did very much. You are the best beta in the fandom.

Quid Pro Quo )
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[FIC] Time to Say Goodbye: Snape/Draco, Snape/Lucius [Sep. 10th, 2007|09:49 am]
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Originally posted here on 31 August 2007

Title: Time to Say Goodbye
Requestor: knightmare_shad
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Snape/Draco, Lucius; strongly implied Snape/Lucius;
Word count: ~4350
Warnings: Nothing really disturbing, hidden in case someone prefers to be surprised. I am afraid it is not very heavy on the plot side, for which I am sorry. * Cross-dressing, Dub-con, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Potion coercion, Slash (well, duh!), Spanking *
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros. Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. It's just me playing. The name is from the song of the same name.
Author's Notes: Dear knightmare_shad, you didn't want your DE's to be nice or fluffy, so I tried to not make them such, I hope I succeeded. And since you said that you were picky as far as bondage goes, I didn't thread that path, but I did include a form of restraint/contact deprivation of a different kind. I have to admit I had great fun with your request and the truth is that the only hard thing was to settle on one bunny, for I went trough 4 that really wanted to come to completion (pun intended). But in the end I settled on this one, and as vain as it may sound, I am rather satisfied with the result. I hope it is to your liking. May your summer be hot in more ways than mere temperature.

Thanks to the people that helped me polish this, I owe them.

Time to Say Goodbye )
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[FIC] Worth it in the end. : Sirius/Hermione [Sep. 10th, 2007|09:51 am]
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Originally posted here on 31 August 2007

Title: Worth it in the end.
Requestor: wickedswanz
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sirius Black/Hermione Granger.
Summary: Hermione accepts that drink Sirius so kindly offered.
Disclaimer: JKR is the master, we just take the horses out when she's not looking.
Warnings: None, really.
Word Count: 1902.
Beta: By my hero.

Worth it in the end. )
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[FIC] Close Quarters: Fred/Hermione, Bill/Pansy, Harry [Sep. 10th, 2007|09:52 am]
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Originally posted here on 1 September 2007

Title: Close Quarters
Requestor: mandy_jg
Rating: R/NC17
Pairing: Fred/Hermione, Bill/Pansy, Harry/his hand
Summary: Communal living makes it hard to get privacy. It makes other things hard too …
Warnings (if any): Voyeurism, outdoor sex, dirty talk, (implied) masturbation.
Author's Notes: For mandy_jg, including a few of your requested kinks and one of your pairings. My brain decided to take the community name at face value, and it really is summery smut :-) I hope you like it. Many thanks to the beautiful Sylvie for her ever-patient beta-ing skills.

Close Quarters )
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[FIC] Blaise's Brilliant Blunder: Harry/Draco, Blaise [Sep. 10th, 2007|09:54 am]
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Originally posted here on 1 September 2007

Title: Blaise's Brilliant Blunder
Requestor: nishizono
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Blaise
Word Count: ~3100
Disclaimer: If I owned them they'd never get any homework done. As they all passed their exams, it's safe to assume they aren't mine
Summary: Blaise hatches a plan to help Draco realise his crush, but things go a little wrong
Warnings (if any): Highlight: *Sex, Slash, Cussing, AU, Parselsmut, Charmed!Harry, Desk!Sex, Wall!Sex*
Author's Notes: Thank you to my Beta, who stepped up for this at short notice and was fantastic as always. And thanks to the Mod for setting this up!

nishizono - I hope you enjoy this! Happy Summersmut!

Blaise's Brilliant Blunder )
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[FIC] Blood and Snow: Draco/Morag [Sep. 10th, 2007|09:55 am]
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Originally posted here on 2 September 2007

Title: Blood and Snow
Requestor: serpentqueen13
Rating: Somewhere between R and NC-17
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Morag MacDougal
Summary: Draco Malfoy is a man without purpose of his own. Then one night, he catches a glimpse of a life lived on one’s own terms…
Warnings (if any): Bit of bloodplay and biting.
Author's Notes: I tried to fit in as many of the prompts as I could. And although this is a pairing I never thought of, it really grew on me in a major way! I hope it’s sexy enough, as I tend to write romantically rather than smutty.
Word Count: 6706 (And trust me, I coulda made it much longer..)

Blood and Snow )
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[FIC] The Risk it Takes to Blossom: Viktor/Hermione [Sep. 10th, 2007|09:58 am]
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Originally posted here on 3 September 2007

Title: The Risk it Takes to Blossom
Recipient: heather11483
Rating: NC-17/Adult
Pairing: Viktor/Hermione
Summary: Hermione and Viktor are veterans and they've seen and lost a lot. This time, healing is harder.
Warnings: The main issue could be triggering for some. It's not rape, suicide, or self-harm. Highlight to read: *Late-pregnancy miscarriage*
Words: 10,050
A/N: I didn't entirely mean for this to be quite so generally sad a fic. inell says you say some hurting is okay, which I hope you mean, because there is, uh, some. Or a lot. But! Things get better. Thanks to P and L for beta help.

The Risk it Takes to Blossom )
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[FIC] Love is a Pink, Frilly Pillow: Pansy/Millicent [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:00 am]
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Originally posted here on 3 September 2007

Title; Love Is A Pink, Frilly Pillow
Requestor; juvenilehell
Rating; NC-17
Pairing(s); Pansy/Millicent, Pansy/Draco and Draco/Theodore implied
Summary; Millicent has been fantasizing about Pansy since school. But when she finally gets what she wants, she finds that it isn’t everything she thought it would be.
Warnings; femmeslash, implied het and slash, unrequited love (verging on stalker-ish), kink (minor D/s, knife play, tie!bondage, biting), masturbation, hurt/comfort, flangst
Disclaimer; I don't own. You don't sue.
Author's note; I’ve never written femmeslash this explicit before (only RP’ed it) and I had a bit of trouble with Pansy. But I’m proud of how it turned out, and I hope you like it. Thanks to my ‘good lil helper’ (who I will credit by name after the reveal), as well as my lovely evil twin for helping me out with this one. Have a lovely, smutty summer, juvenilehell!

Love is a Pink, Frilly Pillow )
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[ART] A Friendly Visit: Ginny/Luna [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:00 am]
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Originally posted here on 10 September 2007.

Title: A Friendly Visit
Requestor: pettybureaucrat
Rating: hard R
Pairing: Luna/Ginny
Summary: When Ginny visits Luna over the summer things get...interesting.
Warnings: none, sadly
Author's Notes: just a couple of nerdy little things. A Wrackspurt is an invisible thing that makes your brain go fuzzy. On the book shelf is my own interpretation of a crumple-horned snorkack.

A Friendly Visit, NWS )
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[FIC] Wicked Game: Harry/Lucius, Draco/Fenrir [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:01 am]
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Originally posted here on 4 September 2007

Title: Wicked Game
Requestor: sktypied
Rating: NC:17
Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Draco/Fenrir, Lucius/Draco/Narcissa, Harry/Voldemort
Summary: The War is over and Voldemort has won. He is about to play a very cruel game…
Word count: 8, 538
Warnings: bestiality, Malfoy!cest, chan, watersports, non-con, tying, blood-play, knife!play, breathplay, violent!sex, wall!sex, coming too soon, orgasm denial, humiliation, mind games and hurt/comfort in that respect, exhibitionism/voyeurism, physical punishment, multiple character death VERY DARK FIC
Author's Notes )
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[FIC] A Place in Displacement: Katie/Cedric [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:08 am]
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Originally posted here on 4 September 2007

Title: A Place in Displacement
Requestor: idea_of_sarcasm
Rating: R
Pairing: Katie Bell/Cedric Diggory
Summary: In dark times, we all need something to look forward to.
Warnings (if any): None.
Author's Notes: Well I hope you enjoy this, a new pairing for me, but one that I think I could really like! Much thanks of course to my beta, who makes things make much more sense.

A Place in Displacement )
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[FIC] The Ghosts of Yesteryear: Harry/Snape [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:11 am]
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Originally posted here on 4 September 2007

Title: The Ghosts of Yesteryear
Requestor: crystalusagi
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Summary: Harry’s at the Hog’s Head when Snape comes in. Harry is enraged and confronts him with accusations from both of their pasts.
Warnings (if any): Dub-con, wall!sex, bit of dirty talk
Author's Notes: I hope you enjoy this, crystalusagi! You had so many delicious kinks, but I forced myself to use a few. Thanks so much for the wonderful, impromptu beta, M and S.

The Ghosts of Yesteryear )
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[FIC] After the War: Ron/Hermione [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:15 am]
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Originally posted here on 5 September 2007

Title: After the War
Requestor: hpffthequibbler
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Summary: R- Look, I know you don't want to get involved in anything romantic and I've learned to live with that. H - Ron, we have to get something straight… I am interested in something romantic with you. RWHG – A postwar fic.
Warnings (if any): sex and language
Author's Notes: This isn’t exactly what I set out to write, but I did try to show affection between the characters and keep them true to canon. Hopefully, it isn’t too vanilla or too similar to other Ron/Hermione stories. As always the characters belong to JKRowlings.

After the War )
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[FIC] Second Chances, Part One: Draco/Hermione [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:19 am]
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Originally posted here on 5 September 2007

Title: Second Chances
Requestor: drcjsnider
Rating: R
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Summary: When a mysterious letter arrives with a plea for help, Hermione finds herself taking chances for the last person she would have ever expected.
Warnings (if any): Excessive plot
Author's Notes: I hope this meets my recipient's expectations and sincerest appologies for the very unbalanced plot:smut ratio. Personally, I blame the rabid plot bunny that held me hostage. Much thanks to my supurb beta, who held my hand through this short story turned novella. I would have given up long ago without her. Any mistakes are mine alone.
Word Count: 27, 000

Second Chances, Part One )

Continue to Part Two!

[FIC] Second Chances, Part Two: Draco/Hermione [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:21 am]
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Originally posted here on 5 September 2007

Title: Second Chances
Requestor: drcjsnider
Rating: R
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Summary: When a mysterious letter arrives with a plea for help, Hermione finds herself taking chances for the last person she would have ever expected.
Warnings (if any): Excessive plot
Author's Notes: I hope this meets my recipient's expectations and sincerest appologies for the very unbalanced plot:smut ratio. Personally, I blame the rabid plot bunny that held me hostage. Much thanks to my supurb beta, who held my hand through this short story turned novella. I would have given up long ago without her. Any mistakes are mine alone.
Word Count: 27, 000

Part One

Second Chances, Part Two )

Continue to Part Three!

[FIC] Second Chances, Part Three: Draco/Hermione [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:25 am]
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Originally posted here on 5 September 2007

Title: Second Chances
Requestor: drcjsnider
Rating: R
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Summary: When a mysterious letter arrives with a plea for help, Hermione finds herself taking chances for the last person she would have ever expected.
Warnings (if any): Excessive plot
Author's Notes: I hope this meets my recipient's expectations and sincerest appologies for the very unbalanced plot:smut ratio. Personally, I blame the rabid plot bunny that held me hostage. Much thanks to my supurb beta, who held my hand through this short story turned novella. I would have given up long ago without her. Any mistakes are mine alone.
Word Count: 27, 000

Part One
Part Two

Second Chances, Part Three )
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[FIC] Over the Moon: Sirius/Remus [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:30 am]
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Originally posted here on 5 September 2007

Title: Over the Moon
Requestor: aylaranzz
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sirius/Remus
Summary: Remus and Sirius exchange gifts for their anniversary before they realize that all they wanted was each other.
Word Count: 5,237
Warnings (if any): Light bondage, fellatio, masturbation
Disclaimer: JKR owns all, I own nothing. I only play with the pups!
Author's Notes: This was written for aylaranzz for the hp_summersmut exchange. Many thanks and much love to my betas! This is set after the Marauders are out of school, while James and Lily are still alive, but before Harry is born—so I’d say they’re around 19. As for the title: even though I got it while flipping through my playlist, it is not in reference to the song, but instead in reference to the idiom. aylaranzz, I tried to incorporate some of the more general elements that you wanted. I hope this suits you!

Over the Moon )
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[FIC] If You Can't Beat 'em, Join 'em: Harry/Susan [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:35 am]
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Originally posted here on 6 September 2007

Title: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em
Requestor: blithelybonny
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Harry Potter/Susan Bones
Word Count: 5,317
Summary: Susan's past can come to haunt her, or it can come out to play
Warnings (if any): A little light bondage, a little role play, a little spanking, a little humor, a little hopefulness, a little love. :) Also, DH spoilers to a mild degree.
Author's Notes: Cheers to blithelybonny for such a cool prompt as “Death Eater!sex” with such an uncommon pair! Normally I don't do Death Eaters, I can't get inside their heads, so hopefully this can satisfy. ;) Thanks to S for the beta and assurances!

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em )
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[FIC] The Point of Being a Quidditch Star: Charlie/Viktor [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:36 am]
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Originally posted here on 6 September 2007

Title: The Point of Being a Quidditch Star
Requester: florahart
Rating: R
Pairing: Charlie/Viktor
Summary: What's the point of being an international Quidditch player if all the good-looking girls are taken? Well, maybe the good-looking boys aren't.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JKR.
A/N: Thanks to my beta who shall remain anonymous for the time being.
Warning: 100% DH Spoiler

The Point of Being a Quidditch Star )
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[FIC] Deluge: Hermione/Tonks [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:38 am]
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Originally posted here on 7 September 2007

Title: Deluge
Requestor: joeyjames
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Hermione/Tonks
Summary: Two outsiders discover what they have in common.
Word Count: 4,500
Author's Notes: My first time writing Hermione/Tonks - I hope I did them justice for you!

Deluge )
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[FIC] The Worst Lies are the Ones You Tell Yourself: Seamus/Dean [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:40 am]
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Originally posted here on 7 September 2007

Title: The Worst Lies Are Ones You Tell Yourself
Requestor: irishbabe3110
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnigan
Summary: It starts because he doesn't talk, ends because he doesn't stay.
Warnings (if any): Explicit slash is the only one I'm giving.
Author's Notes: irishbabe3110, I hope this fic meets your requirements well enough and that you enjoy this. Thank you to my wonderful, wonderful beta who really helped make this what it is (way better than the original, trust me).

The Worst Lies are Ones You Tell Yourself )
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[FIC] Ecstacy: Lucius/Severus/Harry [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:42 am]
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Originally posted here on 7 September 2007

Title: Ecstacy
Gift for: alexis_sd
Pairing: Lucius/Severus/Harry
Rated: NC-17 ~ honestly, did you expect anything else?
Warnings: Adult Content, Graphic Sexuality, Non-con, Incest, Chan, Violence Non-con, chan, and incest are not graphic
Summary: When a Ministry official kills his family and then himself, Harry must determine if Snape and Malfoy played a part in the man’s murder.
Beta: mimiheart
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Ecstacy )
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[FIC] A Lack of Impact: George/Hermione, Fred [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:44 am]
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Originally posted here on 8 September 2007

Title: A Lack of Impact.
Requestor: modestyrabnott
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: George/Hermione, (Fred)
Summary: One plus one still – unfortunately – equals two.
Warnings: Spoilers for Deathly Hallows
Author's Notes: modestyrabnott, I’m afraid this is as close as I could come to voyeurism and a threesome, though I know the latter is your biggest kink. I hope I fulfilled the request at least semi-satisfactorily.

A Lack of Impact )
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[FIC] You Can Run: Tom/McGonagall [Sep. 10th, 2007|10:45 am]
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Originally posted here on 8 September 2007

Title: You can run
Requestor: vampirespirit
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3902
Pairing: Tom/McGonagall
Warnings: underage, D/s, dub. con.
Summary: Minerva watches; Tom takes.

You can run )
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[FIC] Nothin' Good About Goodbye: Regulus/Snape [Sep. 10th, 2007|05:00 pm]
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Originally posted here on 10 September 2007

Title: Nothin' Good About Goodbye
Requestor: Slasheuse
Rating: R
Pairing: Severus Snape/Regulus Black
Summary: The night before Regulus' 'death'
Warnings: Slight Deathly Hallows spoilers. Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
Author's Notes: I really hope you like it because I'm not 100% satisfied with it, but that might just be because the boys gave me a very hard time. Anyway, I hope you like it.

Nothin' Good About Goodbye )
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