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Prompt 54: Sorrow [Feb. 25th, 2011|09:23 am]

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Happy Friday! Time for a new prompt.

Prompt 54: Sorrow

Following on from last week's prompt Joy, I thought we might address its opposite number, Sorrow. Feel free to interpret the prompt however you want.

Last week we had two drabbles.

[info]red_day_dawning wrote Yesterday's Joy, Tomorrow's Promise (On LJ)
[info]torino10154 wrote Worth It (On LJ)

A quick reminder: you can find us at LJ, IJ, and DW and old prompts are always welcome.

See you next week! :)
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Worth It [Feb. 21st, 2011|08:22 am]

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Title: Worth It
Author: [info]torino10154
Characters: Draco, Scorpius/(Rose)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to JKR.
A/N: Unbeta'd. Written for [info]draco100's Prompt 132: Hectic and [info]hp_nextgen100's Prompt 53: Joy.
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Yesterday's Joy, Tomorrow's Promise [Feb. 19th, 2011|11:00 pm]

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Title: Yesterday’s Joy, Tomorrow’s Promise
Author: red_day_dawing
Word count: 100 X 6
Challenge: [info]hp_nextgen100’s prompt #53 - Joy
Pairing/s: Teddy/Victoire; Albus/Scorpius; Harry/Severus (past and ?); Harry/Ginny (past); Teddy/James (future; pre-slash).
Rating: PG-13
Warning/s: EWE; character death; insanity; violence. The deliberate disregard of the rules of grammar and sentence structure.
Disclaimer: JKR et al own the HP characters and settings, no copyright infringement intended, no profit made here.
Summary: When an inexpertly brewed potion shatters Teddy’s life and sanity, he withdraws into the refuge of memories, returning to a time without guilt or pain.

Yesterday's Joy

To Torino-in-her-modly-hat: Could I please get an author tag? Thanks.
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Prompt 53: Joy [Feb. 18th, 2011|03:10 pm]

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Happy Friday! Time for a new prompt.

Prompt 53: Joy

Simple enough. What brings joy to our lovely cast of characters? Interpret the prompt as you wish.

Thanks so much to [info]luciusmistress who wrote Be Mine for last week's prompt...be mine. ;)

See you next Friday!
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