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Mid-december Wrap-Up [Dec. 20th, 2011|10:44 am]

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Hope everyone's having a good December.

We had a couple of posts since the last update and I wanted to point them out.

[info]mollywheezy wrote a series of drabbles using several old prompts: Christmas Spirits, Happy What?, The Culprit
[info]torino10154 wrote Snow Buddies (on IJ)

Also a quick reminder that if you'd like to leave any Next Gen recs from the holiday fests, you're more than welcome or any other drabbles you've written for other comms prompts as well. Any Next Gen drabble is always welcome at any of our three journals.

See you in January!
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Prompt 59: Herbology [Apr. 1st, 2011|11:32 am]

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Happy Friday! We've got quite a round-up this week. But first, the new prompt.

Prompt 59: Herbology

As always, use the prompt however you'd like.

First we had several drabbles/drawbles for this week's prompt, Transfiguration.

[info]vividzephyr drew Accidental Magic (here on LJ)
[info]terachan wrote Perhaps Uncle Harry Was Right After All
[info]nonskid wrote Origami.

[info]nonskid ALSO wrote and drew for several of our past prompts (these are actually all in one post but the links will take you to the individual drabble):
Proposal for Be Mine.
Wingardium Leviosa for Charms.
The Best Remedy for Chocolate.
Like Uncle, Like Nephew for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.
A Shot at Love for Potions.
Chosen for Ollivander's.

Scarves which is a drawble for all the color scheme prompts 24, 25, 26, 27.
Teddy a drawble for the prompt, Teddy.

Thanks so much, everyone for the wonderful entries.

See you next Friday!
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Prompt 50: Hogsmeade [Jan. 28th, 2011|03:32 pm]

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Happy Friday! Time for a new prompt.

Prompt 50: Hogsmeade

Continuing our tour of the wizarding world, this week let's go to Hogsmeade. What shops are still there? Do they even still have Hogsmeade weekends or is that a quaint tradition of the past?

We had some great drabbles for last week's prompt, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, as well as one from an earlier prompt, Snow.

[info]fancypantsdylan wrote Snow Play
[info]torino10154 wrote Time Heals (Almost) All Wounds (On LJ)
[info]hpfangirl71 wrote After Hours

Remember you can post on LJ, IJ, and DW.

See you next Friday!
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Time Heals (Almost) All Wounds, PG, Ginny et al [Jan. 27th, 2011|08:44 pm]

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Title: Time Heals (Almost) All Wounds
Author: [info]torino10154
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Ginny, Harry, George, next gen ensemble
Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to JKR.
A/N: Unbeta'd. Written for [info]hp_nextgen100 Prompt 49: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.
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Prompt 49: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes [Jan. 21st, 2011|03:15 pm]

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Happy Friday, all! Time for a new prompt.

Prompt 49: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

What do the kids think of Uncle George's shop? Do they get a discount or pay double? ;) Perhaps James or Teddy has a particular favorite item? Whatever you decide is fine as long as next gen kids are front and center.

I wrote Ollivander's (On LJ) for the prompt, Ollivander.

Remember this comm is on LJ, IJ, and DW. Feel free to post on any of the three. Also, old prompts are fair game at any time.

See you next week!
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