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Prompt 42: All Hallow's Eve [Oct. 29th, 2010|04:00 pm]

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Happy Friday, everyone! Time for a new prompt.

Prompt 42: All Hallow's Eve

How do the next gen celebrate Halloween/Samhain? Parties or in remembrance? Interpret the prompt as you see fit!

Last week I wrote The Lovegood Way (On IJ) for the prompt, Lorcan and Lysander Scamander.

Have a great week! :)
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The Lovegood Way [Oct. 28th, 2010|08:08 am]

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Title: The Lovegood Way
Author: [info]torino10154
Word Count: 100x2
Rating: PG
Pairing: Luna/Rolf, Harry/Ginny
Warning: Completely 100% canon compliant pairings (OMG, say what? *g*)
Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to JKR.
A/N: Unbeta'd. Written for [info]hp_nextgen100 Prompt 41: Lorcan and Lysander Scamander.

The Lovegood Way
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Prompt 41: Lorcan and Lysander Scamander [Oct. 22nd, 2010|03:17 pm]

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Happy Friday, everyone! Time for a new a prompt.

Prompt 41: Lorcan and Lysander Scamander

Luna's children (presumably boys although I've seen one of each), possibly twins but not necessarily. What else do you imagine for Luna and Rolf Scamander's kids?

Thanks for the drabbles for last week's prompt, Scorpius Malfoy.

[info]unbroken_halo wrote Politically Correct
[info]fancypantsdylan wrote Meeting the Parents
[info]vividzephyr drew The Other Side Fatherhood (On LJ)

See you again next week!
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