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Double Your Pleasure [Aug. 7th, 2010|10:49 am]

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Title Double Your Pleasure
Author: [info]torino10154
Word Count: 100x3
Rating: NC-17
Highlight to read Pairing: *Teddy/James*
Highlight to read Warnings: *Genderswap, explicit het and slash*
Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to JKR.
A/N: Unbeta'd. Written for [info]hp_nextgen100's prompt 30: prequel, sequel, remix and 28: summer lovin'. For prompt 30, I promised to write additional material for anyone that wrote a drabble this week. This is a sequel to [info]red_day_dawning's drabble, Just for You. I have kept the pairing hidden in deference to her original drabble.
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Prompt 28: Summer Lovin' [Jul. 23rd, 2010|03:05 pm]

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Oh hello! :D It's Friday and time for a new prompt.

Prompt 28: Summer Lovin'

Which of our next gen kids has a secret romance over the summer? Or maybe finds their true love while away from the confines of Hogwarts. Use the prompt as you like as long as you focus on Teddy, James, Scorpius et al.

Because there weren't any drabbles for last week's prompt Red/Gold, I whipped one up myself: Through the Looking Glass (On IJ).

A super special thank you to [info]fancypantsdylan who has been doing an excellent job minding the comm while I've been away...and who has to do it one more time next Friday. You're awesome! *\o/*
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