The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers - October 31st, 2008

elfflame posting in The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers
User: [info]hp_nano (posted by [info]elfflame)
Date: 2008-10-31 10:06
Subject: The countdown is on!
Security: Public

So, is there anyone here from Australia, who are actually a few hours into November now? Have you started yet?

And for those who aren't, are you going to stay up past midnight and see how much you can get done the first day?

I woke up to the site being down this morning, but knowing how this works, I'm sure that it's back up already, or will be soon.

Feel free to check out [info]writing_linkz for lots of writing links to use. I've been adding more in the last few weeks. Not a ton, but there are a few. And lots of resources for both world building and character building, including naming sites.

Good luck, everyone!

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October 2008