The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers - November 3rd, 2007

User: [info]hp_nano (posted by [info]inkspills)
Date: 2007-11-03 13:35
Subject: Introduction
Security: Public

Hello, all! I stumbled across this community when googling for nano HP fanficcers. I had to open an account with IJ just to join this community, but I'm hoping the shared torture will help with the creative juices. Out of curiosity, does anyone know of any hp nano communities on LJ? I'm pretty anal about organizing things (my closet is arranged by hanger colours), and it just tickles me funny that I have to check two accounts (oh, the horrors) on a daily basis (or at least, for the duration of November). That aside, it's going to be interesting to see what everyone churns out for this mammoth challenge. And before I ramble on any further, here's a bit of info about me...

: inkspills (nksplls at LJ, but that's also just a placeholder blog for my flist)
Years you've participated: first year!
Previous NaNo Fics: none.
NaNo Journal: just my fannish blog at my own domain, The actual novel won't be up for public viewing until after some heavy editing, because really, who wants to read an un-edited novel created for the sake of quantity over quality?
Other: I'm super excited about this challenge (in fact, I think someone--not me!--should create a HP community/fest with a similar premise: write a 50,000+ words (slash) fanfic within a month. We'll (hopefully) be swamped with tons and tons of good reading for weeks on end. Just the thought of it makes me go all mushy...). According to my outline, it's going to be heavy on the pre-slash (though it will all be resolved, never fear), focusing on HP/DM and AS/S.

Now, a question for everyone: I love the HP series as much as the next fan, but to he honest, I've only read each book once. Yes, only once. I have vague memories of important events, plot-twists, and the like, but I'm finding that I need to head over to the HP Lexicon and Wiki quite a lot. Sometimes, I just use words like, XY or ABC when I can't recall the canon reference... is anybody else in the same boat? Or can you all recall whether or not Hermione refers to everyone's favourite blonde as "Malfoy" or "Draco" without a blink of the eye? (Yes, I had to crack open CoS to look that up.)

Break a leg, good luck, best wishes... let the writing commence! :D

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October 2008