
Love/Lust is in the air every day in May

Harry Potter et. al. May Madness


May 1st, 2013

Wanking as Art; Rabastan/Severus; NC-17

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Title: Wanking as Art
Author: [info]snapesgirl
Characters or Pairing: Rabastan/Severus, Poppy
Word Count: 657
Rating: NC-17
Prompts: Art/"come on…nobody has to know"
Kink: voyeurism
Challenge: Time
Author's Notes: This is set in my Tangled Webs universe. Unbeta'd, let me know of mistakes.

Wanking in the garden )

Day 1 Prompts - Welcome to the Madness

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Aaaaaand we're off!

Welcome to the madness!

The prompts this year will include 3 words, a sentence, a kink and a weekly challenge.

Remember, the prompts/kinks are meant to be inspirational and are not mandatory. The most important thing is to have fun!

EDIT: Drawbles and all other forms of art are of course very much welcome!

Day 1:

Today's prompts: Adore, apologies, art / "Come on... nobody has to know."

Today's kink: voyeurism

Weekly challenge: Time.
Time travel, time turners, deaging, creative spells, whatever. Anything where the timeline is somehow messed up.

Here's a friendly reminder of the rules:

The rules ... )
Good luck, everyone! Ready, set, GO!
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