
Love/Lust is in the air every day in May

Harry Potter et. al. May Madness


May 21st, 2012

Feast and Famine [NC17] (RL/SS; HP/HG)

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Feast and Famine

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: Remus and Severus can't keep their hands off each other and strange things are happening in other parts of the Wizarding World.
Challenge: [info]hp_may_madness’s Kink 13: Food smut | Prompt: Flush
Word Count: 1,505
Genre: Alternate Universe; Missing Scenes; PWP; Grey!fic
Warnings: Swearing; Sex Magic; Sex Toys; Orgasm Delay/Denial
A/N: Time to start gathering up the loose ends, yeah? All characters are of age.

The House of Strangers collection
1 ~ A Special Reward
2 ~ Gifted | 3 ~ Focus
4 ~ Escape | 5 ~ Guarding His Bone | 6 ~ A Taste
7 ~ Impressions | 8 ~ Hunting Before the Moon | 9 ~ Unexpected Gifts
10 ~ Shared Experiences | 11 ~ For the Greater Good | 12 ~ Swiftly Tilting

There's only so much a body can take.  )

May 19th, 2012

Swiftly Tilting [NC17] (RL/SS; Rodolphus/?)

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Swiftly Tilting

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape; Rodolphus Lestrange/?
Summary: Love is so powerful, it can open doors.
Challenge: [info]hp_may_madness’s Kink 12: Hand Job | Prompt: The lion, the witch and the wardrobe, Freed | Weekly Prompt: Guilty Pleasures
Word Count: 1,480
Genre: Alternate Universe; Missing Scenes; PWP; Grey!fic
Warnings: Swearing; Grey!Remus; Grey!Severus; Sex Magic; Sex Toys; Orgasm Delay/Denial; Violence
A/N: Surprise!

The House of Strangers collection
1 ~ A Special Reward
2 ~ Gifted | 3 ~ Focus
4 ~ Escape | 5 ~ Guarding His Bone | 6 ~ A Taste
7 ~ Impressions | 8 ~ Hunting Before the Moon | 9 ~ Unexpected Gifts
10 ~ Shared Experiences | 11 ~ For the Greater Good | 12 ~ Swiftly Tilting
13 ~ Feast and Famine

So, what else can happen?  )

May 15th, 2012

For the Greater Good [NC17] (RL/SS; HG/HP/GW)

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For the Greater Good

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape; Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Summary: Denial makes Remus cranky.
Challenge: [info]hp_may_madness’s Kink 11: Face Shot | Prompt: Love is in the air, Vice | Weekly Prompt: Guilty Pleasures
Word Count: 1,218
Genre: Alternate Universe; Missing Scenes; PWP; Grey!fic
Warnings: Grey!Remus; Grey!Severus; Sex Magic; Voyeurism; Threesome; Orgasm Delay; Portrait Sex
A/N: Oh, we have such wicked, wicked mods! All characters are of age.

The House of Strangers collection
1 ~ A Special Reward
2 ~ Gifted | 3 ~ Focus
4 ~ Escape | 5 ~ Guarding His Bone | 6 ~ A Taste
7 ~ Impressions | 8 ~ Hunting Before the Moon | 9 ~ Unexpected Gifts
10 ~ Shared Experiences | 11 ~ For the Greater Good | 12 ~ Swiftly Tilting

Remus should have told Severus what he told Great Aunt Helga.  )

May 14th, 2012

Shared Experiences [NC17] (RL/SS; LM/NM; DM)

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Shared Experiences

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape; Draco Malfoy/his hand; Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy
Summary: Let's just say 'make love, not war' is going to take on a whole new meaning.
Challenge: [info]hp_may_madness’s Kink 10: Sex Toys | Prompt: Swimwear | Weekly Prompt: Guilty Pleasures
Word Count: 1,811
Genre: Alternate Universe; Missing Scenes; PWP; Grey!fic
Warnings: Grey!Remus; Grey!Severus; Wanking; Sex Magic; Voyeurism; Het; Orgasm Delay
A/N: Someone cuts my phone line, real life gets in the way, and horrendous headaches...yeah, I'm trying to catch up.

The House of Strangers collection
1 ~ A Special Reward
2 ~ Gifted | 3 ~ Focus
4 ~ Escape | 5 ~ Guarding His Bone | 6 ~ A Taste
7 ~ Impressions | 8 ~ Hunting Before the Moon | 9 ~ Unexpected Gifts
10 ~ Shared Experiences | 11 ~ For the Greater Good

Talk about a magical disruption...or is that an eruption?  )

May 9th, 2012

Unexpected Gifts [R] (RL/SS)

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Unexpected Gifts

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: Magic, their magic, was a match for anything the Dark Lord threw at them.
Challenge: [info]hp_may_madness’s Kink 9: Spanking | Prompt: First time (for anything), Silence | Weekly Prompt: Guilty Pleasures
Word Count: 1,522
Genre: Alternate Universe; Missing Scenes; PWP; Grey!fic
Warnings: Grey!Remus; Grey!Severus; Frottage; Portrait Sex; Sex Magic; Voyeurism

The House of Strangers collection
1 ~ A Special Reward
2 ~ Gifted | 3 ~ Focus
4 ~ Escape | 5 ~ Guarding His Bone | 6 ~ A Taste
7 ~ Impressions | 8 ~ Hunting Before the Moon | 9 ~ Unexpected Gifts
10 ~ Shared Experiences

When danger threatens one of their own, Severus and Remus are quick to act. )

May 3rd, 2012

Not So Innocent Sacrifice (NC-17 Draco/Neville)

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Title: Not So Innocent Sacrifice
Characters/Pairing: Draco/Neville
Word Count: 846
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex magic, first time
Challenge: [info]hp_may_madness Day 3 prompts Fistful and first time
Author's Notes: Not beta-ed, you know the drill.

May 1st, 2012

Return To Magic- (NC-17 Bill/Neville)

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Author: [info]unbroken_halo
Title: Return Of Magic
Characters/Pairing: Neville/ Bill, implied Neville/Draco
Word Count: 1361
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU. Sex Magic, Oral sex and Wizarding traditions
Challenge: Prompt and Kink 1: May Day/ House Colors-Red
Author's Notes: Yay! Day 1. I have no clue what happened or what this is going to do but it feels like it's going to be a series. Who knows? Un-beta-ed, so let me know if there's something glaringly wrong.
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