
Love/Lust is in the air every day in May

Harry Potter et. al. May Madness


May 2nd, 2013

FIC: The Telling Touch, (Hermione/Ron, R)

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Title: The Telling Touch
Characters/Pairing: Hermione/Ron, Hermione/omc
Word Count: 788
Rating: R
Warnings: infidelity, angst
Challenge: Kink: dream sex/ "There’s a lot of words behind every silence."/weekly theme: Time
Author's Notes: Unbeta'd

The Telling Touch @ my LJ

May 1st, 2013

FIC: Midnight Watcher (Albus/Minerva, R)

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Title: Midnight Watcher
Characters/Pairing: Albus/Minerva
Word Count: 340
Rating: R
Warnings: masturbation and a voyeur cat (although that last bit is rather redundant)
Challenge: Day 1: Adore, apologies, art / "Come on... nobody has to know."- Voyeurism
Author's Notes: Written for Day 1 of hp_may_madness. I tried to mix in all the prompts and the kink but failed on the weekly time challenge. Unbeta'd

Midnight Watcher @ my LJ
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