
Love/Lust is in the air every day in May

Harry Potter et. al. May Madness


May 8th, 2012

FIC: Day 3, The Garden Path, SS/DM

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Title: The Garden Path
Characters/Pairing: SS/DM
Word Count: 3788
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Mild consensual bondage and a slap on the butt
Challenge: Day 3: first time, fistful
Author's Notes: My thanks to my betas, who pointed me (and Snape) in the right direction. As always, characters belong to JKR, who gets all the money.
The Garden Path )

May 1st, 2012

FIC: Day 2, Order in the Court (Neville/Draco)

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Title: Order in the Court
Characters/Pairing: Neville/Draco
Word Count: 537
Rating: R
Warnings: none
Challenge: Law, partially clothed sex
Author's Notes: Unbeta'd, so please let me know if you spot things that need to be fixed. Oral sex, oh-god-they-might-catch-us sex.

Order in the Court )

FIC: Day 1, Act of Union (Luna/??)

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Title: Act of Union
Characters/Pairing: Dean, Seamus, Luna/??
Word Count: 1200 (and holy hannah, how did *that* happen?)
Rating: R
Warnings: none
Challenge: May Day, oral sex
Author's Notes: Unbeta'd, so please let me know if you spot things that need to be fixed. Eighth year shenanigans; voyeurism of the teenaged-boy kind; mystical stuff; not-so-loony-Luna. This whole thing is completely outside my normal range. Yay!

Act of Union )
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