The Harry Potter Index - February 1st, 2008

About February 1st, 2008

Mod Post: January Digest. 01:16 am

The Harry Potter Index now has 60 watchers! :-) So welcome, to all new people.

Recently I changed the category, General Discussion, so that it is now just called General. Everything that was under that heading before can stay there but this means that anything that doesn't fit elsewhere can go there. So if you have a Wizard Rock Asylum, a Meta Asylum, a discussion Asylum, an Asylum making fun of bad fic, or anything else you can think of - it can go in General.

The more people that see The Index, the more useful it becomes, so please please pimp us to your flist or put a link to us on your profile. To do this you can use a banner if you wish, which you can find here: Banner. If you'd like to use a 100 x 50 button as suggested by [info]brimac13 then you can find some amazing ones that she made here. Thank you so much [info]brimac13! :-) I also designed two buttons and you can find them below the cut.

Buttons )

Now that I'm done with the shameless request for pimpage here is the January Digest, containing all the Asylums added to the Index this month. I hope you find it useful. :-)

January Digest )

As always please comment with any problems or suggestions. And remember, to add an asylum to the listing just use this template:

Asylum to be added:
Short description of what this asylum dedicated to:
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under:
Anything else you would like us to know:
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