Sat, Sep. 22nd, 2007, 12:08 am
[info]spinneresque: Fic: Like a Pill - Ginny Weasley/Zacharias Smith - NC17

Title: Just Like a Pill
Requestor: [info]gunderpants
Author: [info]spinneresque
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Zacharias Smith/Ginny Weasley
Summary: Ever wondered why Zacharias Smith is as annoying and arrogant as he is? Well, in his own mind he has a very good reason.
Warnings: None

Author's note: Written for [info]hp_summersmut 2007 for [info]gunderpants, who requested "HUMOUR! I hate reading self-indulgent angst. Make me laugh. Also, I would seriously love to see some laughs and lashings of the old ultra-violence. I love swearing. Please push the boundaries of good taste and go wild with disgusting language. In terms of kink, I really like seeing strong female characters kicking ass and calling people on their shit, and just this once it'd be nice to not have any typical PIV penetrative sex".

Like a Pill )