Mar. 25th, 2008


Fic: "Lunaism" Hermione/Luna "R"

Author: Lash_Larue
Title: "Lunaism"
Summary: It's short
Warnings:implied girlsex
Word Count: 233
Disclaimer: These characters belong to JK Rowling

drifting on clouds )

Mar. 10th, 2008


Fic: "Love's Fire" Luna/Hermione R

Author: Lash_Larue
Title: "Love's Fire"
Pairing: Luna/Hermione
Rating: R for violence
Summary: Love hurts, but they deserve it
Warnings:Violence, some torture, if you look at it that way.
Word Count: 1600 or so
Disclaimer: These characters belong to JK Rowling

Love's Fire )