March 19th, 2008

[info]lash_larue in [info]hp_femmeslash

Fic: Now and Then 3 part 3 RLY NC-17

Author: Lash_larue
Title:Now and Then 3 - Part 2
Pairing:Fleur/Ginny/Hermione - Ron/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The boys get down to business, and Hermione gets a little back on Fleur and Ginny.
Warnings:EXPLICIT MANSEX! I thought it would be cheating to wimp out on the guysex. So if that's a squick, DON"T READ this. Let me know, and I will do another version without the explicit manstuff. All I need is one request and I'll do that. It won't take long. Shit, I wrote the stuff, and it squicked me a bit.
Oh, Hermione gets the least bit raw in this thing.
Explicit Girlsex! (Yay!)
Word Count: 8900 more or less
Disclaimer: These characters belong to JK Rowling, I just turn them loose.

Beta thanks to my dear Sor_bet, and RedBearGrl.

Remaining errors, of which I just found one, are mine.

If you have not read the first 3 bits of this, you might want to try that. They are tagged here, and the story builds on itself.

Now and Then 3 - Part 2 )