The Dungeons

September 5th, 2009

08:47 am - [info]persuade_me - [Filter: Pansy Parkinson]


I said I would write a journal post this morning, and here it is.

Thank you for your help yesterday. I could see your influence, of course, in the way your parents raliied people to the cause that would never have paid attention to what I said.


08:50 am - [info]persuade_me - [filter: Albus Dumbledore]

Professor Dumbledore,

I promised to write as soon as I had news. Yesterday I met with a large faction - well, more accurately, perhaps, at least two factions and fragments of three others - of Slytherin families. We are ready to move, although perhaps need a fortnight or so to assemble everyone and move in unison. We were hoping to withdraw all the Slytherin children we can on the weekend of the 19th and 20th of September. It would not do to wait longer, even if our numbers could be increased, as the impact would be lost. Also, I do not think it good for Severus that we delay any more than is necessary.

In fact, our move will already involve a small number of Ravenclaw students and one Gryffindor student, who are siblings or cousins of Slytherin children and whose families naturally want to keep them together. So I am writing to hope that Gryffindor too might be ready to move at this time.

I will naturally assist in any way that I can. If there is any way that I can.


05:58 pm - [info]umbridges_army - Conversation at the staff table, Hogwarts

At least the office is in a decent state.

Everything is quite organized, colour coded even, but what makes no sense is the lack of academic papers that the students study. How are they supposed to learn about the new things that are happening throughout the world of Charms theory! Just the other day -- ( *a snore* )

10:00 pm - [info]umbridges_army - MMM (Moderately Magical Memorandum)

To: D. Umbridge
From: D. Jackman
Re: Actionables

Dolores, wanted to touch base to see if we can't nail down a few deliverables. Following items are outstanding:

1.) Came on board Tuesday. It is now Saturday. Still can't access quarters without losing trousers. Any luck on Dumbledore front?

2.) Still seeking clarification on Pettigrew matter. HOG? Have we set benchmarks for this position? Mission-critical.

3.) Unsure of reimbursement protocol. Receipts for 3 Broomstix due to lack of adequate berth. Please advise.

Any chance of addressing these by COB Monday? Shoot me an O-mail and let me know how you want to proceed going forward.

11:34 pm - [info]umbridges_army - Warded Owl Post: Newt Scamander

Hello Grandfather,

It's been quite the week, I must say. I'm not quite sure what to think of it all. The Headmistress had the students write lines from the new rule book for the entire week, and my Ravenclaws were not best pleased. Do you know, I don't think the woman has read an educational text in her entire life? The basic ignorance she displayed over how children learn was simply astounding. It's not as if it's that difficult to find the best books on the subject, but I don't think she's even made the effort. And in a Ravenclaw, too, as amazing as that sounds. I rather expected at least some allowance made for the speed at which they learn, given that she was once in their shoes, but nothing. And she made it quite clear that my job is on the line if I ask again.

At least classes start on Monday, but I must say, some of my fellow staff members don't inspire much confidence. I expect there will be further complaints from my house. None of my books covered dealing with student complaints; I'll have to run down to Flourish and Blots tomorrow to pick up more books. I don't suppose you have any advice? I don't want to give the Headmistress any further reasons to doubt my ability to control them, but on the other hand, their concerns are perfectly valid.

Ah, but enough about me. Has that quintaped egg hatched yet? I was quite pleased with the progressing translucence before I left for Hogwarts, but if it hasn't emerged that would be cause for concern. My apologies again for foisting that off on you. It would not have made the trip, though, and my quarters are quite insufficient for providing the level of heat needed to complete the incubation. I could speak with the Headmistress about converting the old groundskeeper's hut for the hatchling, though, if you would prefer not to keep it yourself.

Take care of yourself, now, and give my best to Grandmum. She might have some advice as well, now that I think of it.

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