The Dungeons

August 30th, 2009

12:01 am - [info]london_bestiary - jobberknoll post written on the back of a Three Broomsticks menu

Dear Professor---Madame -- D. Umbridge,

It was very nice-- interesting to meet you today. Thank you for offering me Hagrid's job the position teaching Care of Magical Creatures. Fortunately I already have a job so I can't take the post at Hogwarts.

Sincerely yours Charlie Weasley

12:02 am - [info]acid_pops - Incident at ALCATEC INDUSTRIES, Little Whinging, Surrey

After stepping through the Floo toward dawn on Sunday, Albus charms the night-receptionist to sleep, checks the company directory, finds the office of Desmond Jackman, Head of Alchemical Marketing and Communications, tries to break the wards, fails due to drunkenness, and pins the following note on the door.

Hello, Delicious,

How are you? Don't answer that, let me tell you. You are feeling wonderful. Splendid. This, today, yesterday, wait, perhaps Tuesday, is your lucky day, the day you're been waiting for. Your entire, brilliant, successful life.

I am giving you my job.

Don't worry, I'll arrange everything. Be at Hogwarts on Tuesday. Sorry about the lack of notice. Four houses times seven years, hm. Look on the bright side: they don't all take NEWTs. And some of the Houses double up.

Don't worry, everything will be fine.

A. Dumbledore

06:48 pm - [info]cauldron_brew - Conversation in Snape's room in the Athenaeum, London

(Why the hell are you here? )

08:09 pm - [info]persuade_me - In the library at Lake Cottage


I was expecting you for dinner with the children. Was there...

What happened?
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