The Dungeons

July 6th, 2009

09:25 am - [info]allandsundry - Owl post to Klara Grayson

Dear Klara,

HE WROTE!!! Oh, Klara, he wrote. I know he said it's real but it really IS real and he said he missed me and he said I smelled like flowers and he sent me some wildflowers and said they reminded him of me! And they're so pretty! And he told me about his family and how they have so much to do this summer. I'm not sure exactly what it is he's doing but it sounds important.

Oh! Cosmo's being all nosy about why I'm waiting for Pyewacket to come back and he'll get in trouble for being up late and I'll get in trouble too. I'll post this in the morning. I hope your summer is good so far!


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