The Dungeons

July 5th, 2009

01:27 pm - [info]allandsundry - Floo Call: Lukas Ciureja


Can I talk to Lukas, please?

09:43 pm - [info]allandsundry - OWL POST: Lainey Winklebrock, Ipswich, Suffolk, UK

Dear Lainey


Sastipe, Lainey


Sastipe (that means hello). I hope your holiday is going well. ( Mine's all right, I supppose. )

Anyway, I'm probably boring you, talking about my familia.

I'm going to visit Douglas next weekend at his kako and bibi's house in Surrey. He says maybe you could come one afternoon if you like. I'd like that, if you would. Do you think you might want to? I'd like to kis I'd like to talk I'd like to see you again.

Maybe Klara could come too and then Douglas could talk to her and not bother us. Could you ask her?

I miss you.

Your friend,
Your boyfriend,

Latcho drom,


P.S. These make me think of you.

Attached is a small bouquet of meadow wildflowers, tied together with a bit of twine.

10:14 pm - [info]allandsundry - OWL POST: Douglas Lovegood, Waverley, Surrey, UK

All right, arsehole, I wrote her. So there. And Dai says I can come next weekend. She'll Floo me over on Friday afternoon because I'm obviously not old enough to do it myself. Merlin. Mothers.


10:37 pm - [info]allandsundry - Owl post to Lukas Ciureja,

Dear Lukas,

Sastipe, I think that's right? I like that, it looks pretty. Maybe you can teach me to say it some time?

Thank you for the flowers, I love them. (They're so pretty!)

I'll write to Klara and ask, but I don't know if she can come. Her family is very strict and she almost couldn't come to the wedding! But I'd like to see her and she and Douglas get along much better now so that's all right. And I'd like to see you and it would be nice if it's the four of us again.



P.S. What does Latcho drom mean?
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