The Dungeons

February 28th, 2009

10:05 am - [info]allandsundry - Conversation overheard outside the Great Hall

I swear that's what he said. Half dressed, and hair all over, like hands had been running through it and she was half out of her kit, too. Only not, but she was buttoning her top when she came to the door.

10:10 am - [info]aurorbabe - Conversation in the second floor bedroom, Lake Cottage

Darling, can you hand me my shirt? (I think it's over on your side of the bed.)

10:52 am - [info]allandsundry - Conversation in 4th year Gryffindor Dorm


*the sound of a pillow ripping open and feathers going everywhere*

Fuck. I can't fix that, can I? ( I was aiming for the curtains. )

11:04 am - [info]wronski_feint - OWL POST: Ron Weasley


Where the fuck are you? They said you walked out last night; they owled me--and I've been out looking for you since. I even tried the tracking spell you taught me, but it's not working and Jesus, Ron. Where are you? Please. Just tell me, love. Please.


11:16 am - [info]dozhd - URGENT WARDED OWL POST: Ron Weasley


They know. The Aurors will be coming. I tried to keep them away, but I can't lie to my wife. She says she'll look after you and she'll do her best, we both know that. But we also know how some of the others are, don't we? I'm doing what I can though. You need help, not Azkaban. All that damned place will do is make you worse. Twist your soul. I know.

Go to St Mungo's. It's the best for you and you know that. I know you do. They'll help you and they'll protect you. But for Christ's sake, if you're truly idiot enough to attempt to wait out the next nine days on your own--and you are a bloody Gryffindor--then at least keep your head down. And don't do anything stupid, monumentally or otherwise. To yourself or anyone else. And take the damn potions.

When you need to talk, you can find me.


12:10 pm - [info]allandsundry - OWL POST: Mssrs Fred and George Weasley

Dear Mssrs Weasley,

As you may be aware, your eldest brother is dating my sister. You may not be aware that he's also my Head of House at Hogwarts. For a long time, I have admired and strived to follow in your footsteps here at Hogwarts. An impossible feat, I know, but one that I think is worthy of the effort. I was hoping that perhaps you could advise me on the best way to prank your brother as I now think that if he's sleeping with my sister that makes him fair game.

Your willing servant,
Douglas Wells-Lovegood

Enclosed with the letter is an owl order form and payment

12:14 pm - [info]dozhd - OWL POST: Viktor Krum


I doubt you want to hear from me right now. But we need to talk. About Ron.

Meet me at half-twelve at your flat.


01:24 pm - [info]wronski_feint - FLOO CALL: The Burrow

( Hello? )

01:53 pm - [info]redgoldpride - Warded and double encrypted note left in Sirius's boot

Last lock heading north on the canal out of Nottingham.

Snuffles only. Come ALONE and tell NO ONE.

North stairs, second step down, right on the large loose piece of broken concrete. If I'm sure it's safe and sure you're alone there'll be a sign indicating the portkey to get you to me.

Whatever you've heard it's probably true. If you don't want to help don't come but there's no one else I can trust not to tell Harry or the Aurors and to be safe with me.

02:38 pm - [info]redgoldpride - Conversation in The Lincolnshire Poacher

*a chair being pulled out*

Need your help, Sirius.

06:24 pm - [info]cauldron_brew - Conversation in the library of Lake Cottage

( refuse to even consider the possibility-- )

10:12 pm - [info]redgoldpride - In Draco Malfoy's bathroom at Lake Cottage

*sound of apparition*

Hello, Malfoy.

We're going to have a talk.
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