The Dungeons

February 26th, 2009

03:07 am - [info]upuaut - (private post)


*the thunk of running shoes being removed and the rustle of a towel*

Incomplete homework, with or without footprints and snide Arithmantical notations regarding what exactly I'm allowed to do to a certain feminine aspect of the moon. Last week he answered everything, including a request to open his book to the correct page with "Five." I was tempted to ask him 2+3, just to see what he would answer.

(Today he 'slept' through class.)

03:20 pm - [info]muggletricity - Intradepartment Note: Molly Weasley


Those expense reports from the undercover work you did in... I can't remember... but they've been turned in, haven't they?

And have you heard anything back from Minerva? Did Ron go and talk to her and ( apologise for his rude behaviour? )


09:48 pm - [info]cauldron_brew - Conversation in the master bedroom, Lake Cottage

Draco! DRACO! ( What the hell is this cack? )
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