The Dungeons

February 25th, 2009

07:51 pm - [info]persuade_me - Conversation in Lake Cottage


08:39 pm - [info]magical_media - Minerva McGonagall Determined Not Dead

By Niobe McGonagall

The casualty count of the latest war against You-Knew-Who was lowered by one earlier this week, when the Ministry of Magic officially reversed the death of Minerva McGonagall, Unspeakable. "The proof of death offered by one Sophia Grayson after the date in question was found to be false," said Earnest Scrie, a clerk in the Ministry's Department of Records. "Professor McGonagall is still very much alive."

The many students taught by McGonagall in her years as Transfiguration professor and head of Gryffindor house at Hogwarts are all, no doubt, thrilled to hear of her return. "She's a wonderful teacher- strict, but fair," said Susan Bones, a Hufflepuff. "I was sad to hear she had passed and overjoyed to hear she hadn't."

McGonagall hasn't yet decided whether she'll continue as an Unspeakable or go back to teaching.

09:13 pm - [info]allandsundry - Conversation outside Professor Lovegood's rooms

*three knocks in quick succession followed by two knocks followed by another three*

09:57 pm - [info]wronski_feint - Conversation in Ron and Viktor's kitchen, Islington

*the slam of a cupboard door*

I think I said ( I didn't really want to talk about it. )

10:21 pm - [info]ex_mmcgonaga303 - Owl Post: Molly Weasley


If you and Arthur don't already have plans for tomorrow evening, you're very welcome to drop by for a drink after dinner. It will do me good to see you both again, and I'd very much like to catch up on your news.

I'm sorry to say that Ronald hasn't contacted me since our last exchange. You did talk to him, I hope? I hope he's dropped this odd notion. If you think it might help to reassure him about my identity, you're welcome to bring him along tomorrow.

Til then,


11:52 pm - [info]sicarian - [Filtered: Severus Snape]

Happy Ash Wednesday.

Under other circumstances, the matter of your life and death is fodder for have-you-heard dinner party conversations. However, because of your relationship to my best friend, your well-being is, irritatingly, of substantial importance to me. Have you confessed your sins to Draco yet? I do not need to ask if you have sought help for your mental state. I know you have not. This may very well be your last Lent. (You should make it really count, and give up something difficult, like cantankerous stubborness).
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