The Dungeons

January 8th, 2009

01:04 am - [info]upuaut - (private post)


Fuck. ... Or not.

*a groan and then a muffled thud*

Christ, what did I do? This is ridiculous. I'm ridiculous. Somewhere someone is laughing because this? This is the limit. I- I broke myself. Given myself a complex or something.


Sleep would help. Should help. ... It couldn't hurt. Fuck and I took the last of the Dreamless Sleep last night. A run's a bad idea, I'd like as not run into a tree. Merlin, I'm tired. *a sigh*

Right, bed. Maybe it's enough.


07:00 pm - [info]snuff_dog - Conversation in Grim Cottage

*a crash in the kitchen*

(MOONY! Are you all right?)

07:06 pm - [info]upuaut - Filtered post: Ron

Hey, you about? How did the restaurant go?

07:11 pm - [info]persuade_me - [Filter: Lucius Malfoy]

Father? Issy informed me that you were not coming back to Lake Cottage tonight and I had particularly wanted to talk to you.

If you have a moment...

09:10 pm - [info]allandsundry - to-do list on top of a stack of half-marked 2nd-year students' Herbology parchments

ask Hagrid for advice on cats finally, an animal he doesn't care for. So much for that.

ask Pince for cat-care book visit Muggle bookstore Ask Filch for more advice, as required.

ask C. Weasley for advice cats not kneazles; kneazles v. interesting to C. Weasley; cats less so. So much for that.

Ask Filch for advice Pomona Sprout, you are a fool! Fancy Filch having to remind you about an herb!

Get something cats would like from kitchen - peppermint humbugs? tuna?

Put a watching charm over that alley in Hogsmeade - nothing to alarm cat though (ask Filch about this?) DONE - now just remember to activate sticking charm if wand vibrates

Cat bed for greenhouse? or my rooms? both? Filch says not required

Harvest catmint and catnip from middle aisle, greenhouse three, and repot one small catnip for alley.

Oh Minerva, if you were here I would ask you. Of course if you were here I wouldn't be chasing stray cats all through Hogsmeade. And you would tell me not to be such a ninny, I'm sure of it. Hagrid's right: all tabbies look alike at twilight, anyway. Don't be soppy. That cat resembled Minerva around the tail, and if she doesn't look anything like, close up, at least we'll have a new cat to keep the rodents out of the greenhouses.
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