The Dungeons

January 7th, 2009

01:28 am - [info]redgoldpride - Filter: Viktor Krum [wardkey K9*114QV4]

I hope you got the note about the wardkey. Before you bite my head off I DO know we're not at war and that private things don't HAVE to have wardkeys, but it's not as mental as you think. I mean, Shacklebolt does it all the time. He told me once he even writes to his family with wardkeys. It's just good sense. And because you're so worried I'm getting all paranoid it's not like I THINK anyone wants to read our journals now but there are still some people I wouldn't put it past and you know who I mean.

And maybe I don't want to sound like an idiot to anyone either. It was stupid and I know it. I left flowers on the kitchen table for her, I hope she'll accept them. I didn't mean to frighten her or anything but I don't think you just waltz into an Auror's house, you know. Well, at least, someone should have told me. I haven't met her that much and why would I *know* your sister's magical signature? I mean, I wouldn't, would I? So I just thought there was someone in our place and that happens. Even in wizarding places and even if there's no war on that sort of thing still happens. She could have been a thief or something. And if I'd called out for you and she had been a thief, well, the surprise would have been blown, wouldn't it?

But the flowers are more for the other thing. It's not that they look that alike but they do have kind of similar hair. And I guess Elena's more memorable for me than your sister in, well, you know what ways.

So I hope she gets the flowers and my apology note thing and I'm apologising to you too. I am. It was daft to yell at you. I mean, I want your family to come and visit, it's not that. She just surprised me is all. That's all, really.

02:22 am - [info]redgoldpride - Owl post: Bill Weasley


Hate to ask a favour, but I have to. I need the name of a French restaurant - I mean an expensive one that's supposed to be good - for dinner tonight. I'm guessing Fleur must have liked that sort of stuff and you'd know. It's pretty important, not just any old thing. So let me know right away, could you?

And, this is worse, I know, but I might need a loan. You know I'm good for it, but I don't know how much "expensive" means, really, and I can't ask Harry just now and not Viktor for this and I don't know anyone else who might have that sort of cash.

I don't really want to go into details, but I will if I have to to prove it's important but I hope you know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't. I'll get a loan, or something, but there's no time when it has to be tonight.

I can meet you any time today but if you can't let me know fast and I'll think of something else.


03:07 am - [info]upuaut - Owl post to Ron Weasley


Muggle or Wizarding? Never mind, meet me for breakfast, we'll figure it out then. Leaky 8am unless I hear otherwise.


07:29 am - [info]dozhd - Filtered post: Draco Malfoy

You know, really, you might as well be cheating on my father.

10:52 pm - [info]allandsundry - to-do list under a stack of half-marked 2nd-year students' Herbology parchments

ask Hagrid for advice on cats finally, an animal he doesn't care for. So much for that.

ask Pince for cat-care book visit Muggle bookstore

ask C. Weasley for advice cats not kneazles; kneazles v. interesting to C. Weasley; cats less so. So much for that.

Ask Filch for advice

Get something cats would like from kitchen - peppermint humbugs? tuna?

Put a watching charm over that alley in Hogsmeade - nothing to alarm cat though (ask Filch about this?)

Cat bed for greenhouse? or my rooms? both?

Oh Minerva, if you were here I would ask you. Of course if you were here I wouldn't be chasing stray cats all through Hogsmeade. And you would tell me not to be such a ninny, I'm sure of it. Hagrid's right: all tabbies look alike at twilight, anyway.
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