Thu, May. 17th, 2012, 11:56 am
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: " The Two Names of Xiomara Rolanda Hooch " for noeon

"The Two Names of Xiomara Rolanda Hooch" can now be found on AO3

Recipient: [info]noeon
Author: [info]pauraque
Title: The Two Names of Xiomara Rolanda Hooch
Rating: PG-13/Teen
Pairing: Hooch/McGonagall
Word Count: ~2400
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *None*.
Summary: Hogwarts changes. She changes.
Author's Notes: I'm told that JKR provided some additional backstory for Minerva on Pottermore, but I haven't read it, so if you have, just pretend you haven't! Thanks to D for taming the wild semicolons. Any remaining errors or infelicities are my own.

The Two Names of Xiomara Rolanda Hooch )