May 7th, 2010

01:21 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Zinnia and Honeysuckle" for atdelphi

Recipient: Delphi ([info]atdelphi)
Author/Artist: [info]synn, aka Three Sided Orchid
Title: Zinnia and Honeysuckle
Rating: um. R?
Pairings: Hooch/Sprout // Hooch/Neville (if you squint)
Word Count: ~1,200
Warnings: Featured Character Death.
Summary: Muggle plants bloom out of season in the wizarding world. They flourish and wither at the whim of magical energies, a barometer of wizard emotions.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Delphi, I’d wanted to give you something more smutty and less serious, ideally without the /see warnings/, but I’m pretty much a captive to my muse; where she goes, I must follow. I started this intending to incorporate a lot of your likes, but I’m afraid many of them got lost along the way, so I’m hoping you enjoy it anyway.
This story uses references to Victorian flower language. A key to flowers mentioned (where not given in the text) is at the end. All meanings pulled from this website.

Zinnia and Honeysuckle )

01:25 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Triptych: Duty, Dream, and Desire" for janus

Recipient: [info]janus
Author/Artist: [info]leela_cat
Title: Triptych: Duty, Dream, and Desire
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Rabastan Lestrange/Severus Snape
Word Count: ~3,200
Warnings: None
Summary: Duty takes Rabastan Lestrange down a path towards darkness, but it cannot steal away his dreams or his desires.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Thank you to my lovely betas, [info]angela_snape and [info]eeyore9990. [info]janus, thank you for the wonderful prompt and the challenge it set. I hope you have as much fun reading about these characters as I did writing them.

Triptych: Duty, Dream, and Desire )