May 16th, 2009

06:56 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: HP Beholder Master List ... with Author and Artist names!


And here we have it, all forty-five stories and works of art from this year's [info]hp_beholder exchange, now with names attached.

To all Artists and Authors: feel free to post your work where you like...and thank you so much for participating in this year's exchange (note: artists and authors of long stories that I'm currently hosting on my website - let me know when you re-post and I'll redirect the links)


ART and FIC )


A few thanks are in order, first to [info]femmequixotic who spent time on the look of the LJ mirror community using [info]tripperfunster's art, which you can see on the IJ community (the fact that you can't currently see anything but a standard style on LJ is attributable to some weird LJ bug that stripped the coding...and not in that good "stripped" way. *g*)

I also want to thank [info]psyfic, [info]tripperfunster, and [info]chiralove for their lovely offers to pinch hit, but do you know what? We ended up needing not a single pinch hitter in this exchange, which those of you who have ever helped to run an exchange know is practically unheard of.

And finally, I want to thank all the participants and all the folks who read stories and admired art and left feedback and made recs in their journals and who were so positive and supportive about the uncommon pairings that were the focus of [info]hp_beholder. It's people like you who make this kind of [niche] exchange a pleasure to mod.