Harry Potter at ComiCon's Journal
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Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

    Time Event
    Preview Night!
    Comic-Con is officially here!!!

    Today there is badge registration (a great way to avoid the crazy lines tomorrow), as well as a Preview Night for those lucky enough to have a four day pass. Preview night lasts from 6 pm to 9 pm and allows you first look at all of the sales booths, as well as the Events Guide, so you can have everything planned out ahead of time!

    If you've yet to take a look, all of the event programming is now posted. And don't forget, Sunday at 10:30 am is "Muggles, Wizards, and Fans in the World of Harry Potter"!!!

    Panel members Erin Pyne (author of A Fandom of Magical Proportions), Sue Upton (senior editor of www.the-leaky-cauldron.organd co-host of Pottercast), Melissa Anelli (author of Harry: A History), and Heidi Tandy (webmaster, Fiction Alley) will have wands at ready as they discuss what makes Harry Potter fans so different from members of other fandoms. How has the HP fandom affected the development of the books and movies? Moderated by notorious Muggle Eric Bowling. Room 2
    Littleroo27 @ Comic-Con
    Yup, I have a 4 day pass *preens* and will likely be there at some point each day. I'm trying to figure out a way to identify myself as...myself, but I will at least put "littleroo27" on a badge or sticker or something, so if you see me there, PLEASE come up and say hi!!! I'm very friendly and lacking in axes or other implements of death, and am generally just a squishy 28 year old fangirl.

    I look kinda like this )

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