Harry Potter at ComiCon's Journal
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Sunday, June 29th, 2008

    Time Event
    Hello! (echo, echo, echo!)
    Hi there to the three people that are watching this who aren't me! Ah well, good things start small, right?

    I want to make it clear that you are welcome to post here, even if just to say that, yes, you will be at Comic-Con, or you wish you could be there, or whatever!

    Anyway, I just wanted to pop in with a few updates to the Comic-Con 2008 website.


    Warning: The 4 day pass and tickets for Saturday are now SOLD OUT!!! Get your tickets while you still can for the remaining days!

    Comic-Con is offering free shuttle service from certain locations directly to the convention center. The map has been updated and can be found here.
    • I would highly recommend taking advantage of this or another form of public transportation, such as the trolley or bus system, as parking is expensive, time consuming, and a general pain in the rear. Really, why pay $20 to park in a lot that's farther away than the trolley stop?!

    You can find the first page of the 2008 Exhibitors List by going here. There are also links to the small press and fan tables from that same page.
    • If you've never been to Comic-Con before, it is a mad-house. It's not a bad idea to check out the vendors online ahead of time so that you don't forget to stop by their booth once you get there.

    • Another helpful hint would be to go with comfort over fashion. I know a lot of people dress up in crazy awesome outfits for Comic-Con, but I'd suggest sticking with your most comfortable pair of sneakers no matter what. You'll be walking on cement floors covered with a very thin carpet all day, and there is no padding between the floor and your back!

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    Looking for people to hang out with - Torchwood/HP fans?
    Hi, and first off, thanks to littleroo for this comm. Great idea.

    So here's my question - I'm an HP fan. I have been since Goblet of Fire came out and I alternate between being totally drenched in the fandom, to staying on the sidelines and lurking. I am also, however, a Torchwood and Doctor Who fan, and if I decide to go to CC, the reason will be because both John Barrowman and Gareth David-Lloyd are going to be there, and I'd love to meet them. They're two British actors who rarely come to the states, so getting a chance to meet them is, for me, a huge deal.

    That said, I'd love to meet up with some HP fans who are also planning on attending whatever TW events are going on, on the day I'm going to be there (I know there's a big overlap in the two fandoms). I'm currently trying to decide between Thursday and Friday. I'm in San Francisco normally, but that week I have to be in Los Angeles anyway, for family reasons, so it's not a long drive for me to come down.

    I have a car (will have it with me) and am happy to offer a lift to whoever wants to meet up with me (assuming the distance isn't prohibitive). I only request no smoking (I'm allergic).

    I'm rarely on IJ, but I can be found on LJ quite a bit. Same username. :)

    I've decided not to go. Hope those of you who are going have a great time! :D

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