HP April Fools Fest [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP April Fools Fest

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April Fools, [info]shygryf! [Apr. 24th, 2011|10:56 am]

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Title: Do I Dazzle You?
Recipient: [info]shygryf
Artist: [info]mortenavida
Medium: cosplay, photoshop
Pairings/Characters: Mrs. Figg
Rating: G
Warnings/Kinks: Gratuitous amounts of cute and adorableness.
Summary: The wizarding world has taken over royal palace and had a contest to appoint the next Queen (slid into place so the muggles don't notice).
Artist's Notes: This is version number three? I didn't realize how hard this would be when I didn't have a journal to stalk! Mystery prompter, I tried in various ways to use most of your prompts, but ended up with just "Her Highness The Almighty and Omnipotent" and a little bit of "some rules are made to be broken." Anyway, much thanks to my lovely roommate and rambunctious puppy who posed ever so pretty for the picture!

Do I Dazzle You? )
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