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HP April Fools Fest

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April Fools, [info]annafugazzi! [Apr. 12th, 2011|09:26 pm]

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Title: Can I buy you a spatula?
Recipient: [info]annafugazzi
Artist: [info]good_witch
Medium: marker and colored pencil
Pairings/Characters: Ron/Luna, Fred, George
Rating: PG
Warnings/Kinks: None
Summary: Fred and George prank Ron at a Very Important Moment, but Luna surprises them.
Artist's Notes: I am too much of a story-writer to be able to encompass Tweak’s quote for me with just one picture. So, I went the comic route. I hope it makes you smile, mystery recipient!

Can I Buy You a Spatula? )
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April Fool's [info]annafugazzi! [Apr. 22nd, 2010|06:48 pm]

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Title: I like chocolate milk
Recipient: [info]annafugazzi
Artist: Fool #28
Medium: PSP - Digital painting
Pairings/Characters: George, Ron (with cameo by wee!Fred)
Rating: G
Warnings/Kinks: DH complaint so characters who are dead in canon are dead here.
Summary: Even the little things remind George of what's he's lost.
Artist's Notes: I'm afraid I only managed to fit in the angst, DH compliant and a little bit of snow from your prompts [info]annafugazzi, but I hope you still enjoy this!

I like chocolate milk )
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