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HP April Fools Fest

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April Fools, [info]alexis_sd! [Apr. 24th, 2011|10:30 am]

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Title: In Limbo, in the Inferno
Recipient: [info]alexis_sd
Artist: [info]vayash11
Medium: coloured chalk on blackboard, PS
Pairings/Characters: Draco/Harry, assorted Death Eaters, Lucius
Rating: NC-17, for violence and horror, but not, alas, sex
Warnings/Kinks: EWE, creature (Veela), cannibalism, torture, pre-story character death (not Harry or Draco), crack
Beta: Thank you so much, P, for looking this over and telling me I didn't need to change a thing. ♥
Summary: Draco discovers his true Malfoy heritage under the most dreadful circumstances. Good thing his Mate is coming to save him.
Artist's Notes: Dear prompter, you gave me carte blanche to go wild, and well, I did. With rather limited artistic skills, which is my sole excuse of why there is no sex. Er, no, you didn't want to see bottom!Harry in this. ;) I hope you enjoy nonetheless. I sure had a whole lot of fun!

In Limbo, in the Inferno )
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