HP April Fools Fest - April 14th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP April Fools Fest

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April 14th, 2009

April Fools, [info]hpsauce! [Apr. 14th, 2009|11:10 pm]


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Title: Do You Believe in Snorkacks?
Recipient: [info]hpsauce
Author/Artist: [info]slumber
Pairings/Characters: Luna/Hermione
Rating: Very low R? PG-16?
Warnings/Kinks: Schoolgirl uniforms, outdoor (maybe) foreplay
Word Count or Medium: Um. Colored markers.
Summary: "You'll need to be very, very quiet, or else the crumple-horned snorkacks will take more than your shoes."
Author/Artist's Notes: Um. Earlier, upon signing up, I had wonderful visions of what I was going to draw you. Sadly, they refuse to translate onto paper. It probably does not help that my only art materials happened to be a set of colored markers. Apologies for the lack of detail, but trust me, they would not have improved anything. Also, yes, I have no sense of proportion. My knowledge in Photoshop, too, is severely limited. *flails* Anyway, I'm including both versions of it so you can pick which one you like more, lol. Happy April Fools'! (To the mods, thank you for running this awesome fest!)

Luna and Hermione, sitting 'neath a tree... )
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