HP April Fools Fest - April 3rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP April Fools Fest

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April 3rd, 2009

April Fools, [info]century_squill! [Apr. 3rd, 2009|12:07 am]


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Title: Detention
Recipient: [info]century_squill
Artist: [info]gin_tonic
Pairings/Characters: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Kinks: spanking, sex-toys
Medium: pencil on sketchbook paper
Summary: Harry has been misbehaving again and Snape takes it upon himself to teach him a welcome and highly anticipated lesson...
Artist's Notes: Happy April Fools, [info]century_squill! I was going to colour this, but as I suck at doing that it looks way nicer like it is now... Thanks to D, who helped me with the creative process.

Detention )
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