HP April Fools Fest - April 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP April Fools Fest

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April 10th, 2008

April Fools, [info]littleblackbow! [Apr. 10th, 2008|10:32 am]


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Title: One of These Things is Not Like the Others
Recipient: [info]littleblackbow
Author/Artist: Fool #10 / [info]pre_raphaelite1
Word Count or Medium: Pencils (Reg and Coloured variety), Photoshop for background
Pairings/Characters: Sirius/Bill, Harry, Gilderoy, Remus, Severus
Rating: NC-17 for teh pron
Warnings/Kinks: Oral sex, disturbing mash-up?
Summary: One attempt at porny seriousness, two followups of zee crack

Author/Artist's Notes: Um- Yes. Well. I can't draw. But I did try! I split your request up, giving you some Sirius/Bill (yummmmmy pairing) and then the prompt of "Not in Kansas Anymore" (though that has Sirius/Bill too). My mind is a very odd place. I hope it at least brings a smile to your face, [info]littleblackbow!

One of These Things is Not Like the Others )
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