December 29th, 2012

[info]a_hundred_faces in [info]house_logs


Characters: Teddy, open
When: Saturday morning
Location: Kitchen
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Teddy has breakfast and ponders his situation
Status: Open, ongoing

Well, it was an interesting place, at any rate )

[info]can_swear in [info]house_logs

Of the Infirm

Characters: Simon, open
When: Saturday afternoon
Location: Infirmary
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Simon checks out his Christmas present
Status: open, ongoing

A good sign or a bad one? )

[info]childoftardis in [info]house_logs

Who: River Song, Open
What: Lost in her own thoughts
When: Saturday Evening
Where: Wandering the house
Warnings: As of now none.

the loss of life will be irreplaceable )

[info]emerald_eyes in [info]house_logs

As a New Year Comes

Characters: Lily, open
When: Saturday, late afternoon
Location: common area
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Lily plays video games, albeit not well
Status: Open, ongoing

Clearly, it was time to try new things )

[info]finder in [info]house_logs

Because the Porch was the Best

Characters: Jaime, open
When: Saturday evening
Location: front porch
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Jaime continues to ponder her situation while watching the sun set
Status: Open, ongoing

No lizards this time ... )

[info]her_little_duck in [info]house_logs

A Pin

Characters: Prim, open
When: Saturday afternoon
Location: on the beach
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Prim contemplates the meaning of the pin
Status: Open, ongoing

It had been her sister's ... )

[info]the_lily_luna in [info]house_logs

As December Fades

Characters:Lily Luna, open
When: Saturday night
Location: Common area
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Lily contemplates her life, her future, the house, etc.
Status: Open, ongoing

She'd taken to wearing the ring ... )