October 8th, 2012

[info]raeofsun in [info]hotelhellooc

So... hi again! This is my second character: Rae "Sunshine" Seddon from Robin McKinley's Sunshine. I'm going to guess that you guys haven't heard of this, since most people I encounter haven't until I force them to read it. It's set in sort of an alternate universe United States where magic and vampires and demons are all known facts of life. It's set about 10 or 15 years after the Voodoo Wars, which basically pitted humans against the Others, as demons/vampires/etc. are often referred to. Primarily the vampires, since it's an established fact that most of the Others don't organize enough to be a threat (and later established that some of them don't really WANT to). Vampires are the big villains in the book, which is why it is, of course, about a girl having to deal more closely with a vampire.

As for Sunshine, she's the protagonist of the book. She's a baker at her stepfather's coffee shop/bakery/restaurant and invents recipes and fusses about the quality of her flour before she's kidnapped and held as a meal for a vampire.

Sunshine's a magic user, but magic is considered kind of sketchy in this universe and serious practitioners of it are both respected and feared. Sunshine was only vaguely trained in it, over the course of a few visits with her; her father was part of a heavy magic-using family and when her parents split up, her mother didn't want her to have anything to do with them. Sunshine's magical abilities are VERY vaguely defined, so we can probably get away with whatever we want for plot purposes, but it's also really easy to limit them since, as mentioned, she wasn't trained. The main caveat is that her affinity is for sunlight; she can do a hell of a lot in direct sunlight, but ask her to do shit at night and she's going to tire out really fast.

Um, I don't want to tell the entire story, so there's the basic overview needed for this game. The other thing to know is that Sunshine is kind of temperamental and can definitely be a bitch, especially when you try to tug her out of her element. So while she is a TON of fun, if your character doesn't like people with attitude, they are not going to get along so well.

Questions? Plot? Hit me up!

April 2013



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